I close my eyes. “Now it makes sense why Rian gave me up to Basten with so little objection. He had already traded me for the throne once. It meant nothing to him to do it again. He’s the Lord of Liars. I—I should have known better.”
I pinch my nose to keep the tears at bay. Still, a tear rolls down my cheek and splashes onto the top of my chest. I wipe it away, realizing my breasts are practically spilling out. “Gods. My dress. I look like a mess, don’t I?”
“It is no great concern, Highness. Here in Volkany, we don’t care about formalities. See?”
She motions to her own loose-fitting men’s trousers and oversized shirt. It’s the first time I’ve seen her out of her armor.
I sniffle. “Female soldiers are allowed to wear men’s clothing?”
“When we are off duty, we may wear what we like. As well as drink and curse and smoke Wicked Weed.”
“Wicked Weed?” My ears perk up. I’ve only ever heard the elicit substance whispered about in the Sin Streets of Astagnon.
“Haven’t you tried it, Highness?”
I chuckle darkly. “No, I grew up in a convent.”
Tati’s eyes light up mischievously as she grabs the end of her scarf, using it as a lead to tug me toward a walled garden. “We have a saying here: ‘Inhale the weed, exhale your troubles.’ Come—try a toke. It will help you forget all about Rian Valvere.”
I hesitate.
Exhale my troubles? Yes,please.
The herbal, smoky scent lacing the air grows stronger as I follow her into the walled garden. The rise and fall of soft voices catches my ear, broken with peals of laughter. A greenish haze of smoke hangs around an enormous hemlock tree whose branches sweep the ground. A cozy, intimate glow of lanterns comes from within the hemlock boughs.
She sweeps aside a low branch like a tent curtain. The way the branches hang low forms a natural canopy, screening the smokers inside, forming a private space.
Curious, I crane my neck, trying to glimpse between the pin-like needles—only to make out someone with fire-red hair combed back from pointed ears.
“Iyre? No. No way. I’m not sharing a pipe with a fae.”
I quickly ball up Tati’s scarf and shove it at her as I turn back toward the castle, ready to spend the night chatting with my mouse—but Tati grabs my arm.
She says with big eyes, “The fae are awakening, Highness. There’s no going back to life as it was before. There’s only moving forward in the new world they are about to create—and if you want to thrive in that world, you must know their ways. Goodandbad. Starting with Iyre.”
I’m about to tell hershecan go cozy up with that fae bitch, but then pause.
If Iyre is here…then she isn’t in her tower room.
I tilt my chin upward, where the Aurora Tower’s peak is visible over the rest of Drahallen Hall’s rooftops. The lanterns are off in the highest room. From the corner of my eye, I scan the dark, walled garden, looking for a flicker of silver-blue.
Cloudfox, I ask in my head.Are you here?
For a few moments, there’s no answer. The mouse told me that she was at my window earlier, but she might have left. Returned to the forest. But then, the bushes rustle, and a voice chirps:
Here, girlie!Her small silver face peeks out of the leaves.
A thrill rises in my chest as I tell Tati, “Onetoke.”
She grins.
As I duck into the tree’s tent-like canopy, I whisper to the cloudfox,Go to the Aurora Tower. The highest room. Search inside for a small, round, yellow bottle. I’ll keep an eye on Iyre.
The cloudfox nods enthusiastically.
The space beneath the hemlock boughs is surprisingly large, easily accommodating the dozen or so humans lounging within, all holding court around Iyre. They drape themselves over wooden furniture or recline on quilts. Overflowing fruit trays rest on low tables, along with ample bottles of wine. Round glass orbs filled with candles hang from the highest interior branches like miniature moons.
All conversation stops at my entry. Faces turn my way. I recognize Paz, but most of the others are strangers.