At first glance, he has none of the Valvere elegance. The Valveres are all polish and precision. Even Rian, known for his restraint with adornment, is partial to a swipe of smoky blue kohl on his lashlines. Gods know his hair and beard are tamed within an inch of their lives.
Kendan, in contrast, has all the lean angles of a falcon, both deadly and striking but also plain in its feather coloration. His hair is as raven black as Rian’s, though at ten years Rian’s senior, a touch of gray dusts his temples and the stubble hugging his chin. Though his armor is carefullypolished, it doesn’t hide a constellation of knicks and dents. Apparently, the Lord of the Iron Banner title doesn’t mean his hands don’t occasionally get dirty.
Slowly, I sheath my sword, and the royal guards follow suit.
Kendan’s mouth lifts in a calculated smile, andthere. I see it now—a hint of the famous Valvere ability to perfectly contain one’s emotions.
“Welcome.” He grips Rian by the shoulders in a hearty embrace, but his eyes shift to me over Rian’s shoulder, alight with a cryptic gleam. “Brother.”
I jolt enough to rattle my armor.
Kendan might as well have splashed a bucket of water on my face. It’s a struggle to stay impassive, to wear a mask like the two of them do so effortlessly.
By the fucking gods, does he know?
As soon as the words are uttered, Kendan switches back to the perfect role of teasing older brother. He gives Rian a heavy pat on the shoulder, all genuine smiles now.
But my heart races, and my mind buzzes with unease.
“Rian—and I’ll call you that until the crown is on your head, eh? You have no idea how proud I am to have my little brother about to warm his ass on Hekkelveld’s throne.”
Rian chuckles deeply as he rubs his hands together. “Well, a fine ass it is. Best in the family.”
“Let the ladies of court be the judge of that.” Kendan leans in devilishly to murmur for only Rian’s hearing, “You’re going to have your hands full of women clamoring to be queen now that your previous engagement is null.”
A lump forms in my throat as I flex my left hand, drawing my attention to the bandagebeneath my wrist guard. I ache to peel back the bandage, to see the letters etched into my flesh.
But I can’t. Not here, not now.
“Cousin Kendan!” Lady Runa makes a point of fluttering her peacock feather fan as she inserts herself into the conversation. “What a dashing man you’ve grown into. Is thatgrayin your beard?”
“Silver,” Lady Eleonora interjects, leaning on her diamond-tipped cane. “Valveres don’t gray, wesilver.”
“Grandmother.” Kendan steps forward to place a kiss on her wrinkled cheek.
Lord Gideon Valvere and the rest of the cousins preen for his attention, but Kendan only has eyes for the young woman trying to sneak off toward the stairs—Lady Suri.
“And who isthis?” Kendan asks.
Suri jumps, spinning around with a forced grin as she smooths out her gown. In the sunflower dress with golden trim, she shines brighter even than Eleonora’s diamond.
Kendan looks gobsmacked. Once he recovers, he continues, “Brother, if I’d known you had such beautiful maidens in Sorsha Hall’s court, I would have returned home more often.” He bows to Suri, offering his hand. “My lady, I do not believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. I am Lord Kendan Valvere, Lord of the Iron Banner, and I will be devastated if you tell me we’re distant cousins.”
A laugh bubbles out of Suri’s throat before she can tame it back into a polite handshake.
“This is Lady Suri Darrow.” Rian makes the introduction with a breezy flick of his hand. “The recent widow of Lord Charlin Darrow of Bremcote and the stepmother of my former fiancée.”
Kendan’s eyes twinkle with mischief as he turns back toRian. “Ah, yes, your former fiancée. Didn’t she end up being the kingdom’s greatest traitor? I always knew you had a knack for picking women with a flair for drama, Rian.”
The words strike a nerve in me, an instinctive surge of protectiveness flaring up like wildfire. My fingers twitch at my side, aching to defend this woman I don’t even know. I clench my jaw, forcing the impulse down.
Rian's laugh is forced. “Yes, well, everyone needs a scandal in their life, don’t they? Keeps things interesting.”
Kendan’s smirk widens. “True, but not everyonemarriestheirs.” Kendan turns back to Suri. “Widow? Did I hear that correctly? I’m so sorry for your loss.”
His broad smile negates his words.
Suri’s eyes sparkle with amusement. “With those kind words, my lord, you have already proven yourself more of a gentleman than your brother.”