Page 20 of Camp Dire

“Blood moon?”

“It is a time when the moon looks red because of a lunar eclipse. It’s one of the reasons our man was so powerful and performed his ritual to turn now. He could only achieve the transformation on the night of the full blood moon.”

“But he was already…turned.”

“If he had made a kill tonight during the full moon, he would have kept his powers to transform forever, as well as our healing properties and strength.”

Every one of the men at the table looks at me as an awful thought zips through my head, “I was the one he wanted to be his first kill as that thing. That’s why he told the others he just wanted me.”

All of them nod.

“Because you are the bridge, the very thing he wanted to be.”

One of the twins says the words but everyone nods. But I don’t understand.

“I…I’m the bridge. What does that mean?”

I don’t look to anyone else except Merrik for my answers.

“When we go through the mating ritual completely tonight you will have what he wanted, I will share my long life with you, my healing factor, my ability to communicate with everyone in the community that is like us. You won't change into a wolf but you will have all the benefits of our kind.”

I gasp and look at Kyra. “That’s how you knew exactly what I needed from the house without me having to say a word.”

“Actually, that part is probably more because of me and Merrik. Since we’re brothers our mates will be more prone to be closer with one another. It would be completely normal for you guys to talk through your telepathic connection.”

“But I could hear her too. And I’m not a wolf at all.”

“Bridge.” The other twin -the less talkative of the two- says matter of factly.

“That is solely because of your friendship with each other, Annie. And the fact she cares about you so much. But yes, it would seem that my little mate is a bridge between her people and our people.” Merrik says it with so much pride in his voice that I can’t help but feel the warm rush of happiness that he thinks I am special and perfect for him. “Now, if everything is ready and in place. I will ask you all to leave so I can be with my mate during this very…exciting time.”

I stand and hug Annie and Kyra telling them we will meet up and hang out as soon as this whole mating moon thing is over. When I hug Annie, I whisper a small suggestion to her and place her hand in Larry’s before stepping back to watch as everyone leaves me and Merrik alone.

As soon as the door is shut and locked, I am in his arms. He takes the stairs two at a time and he shuts the bedroom door before sitting me down. Instead of coming onto the bed with me, he walks to the window and stares up at the rising moon.

“I need more time, damn it!” He’s not talking to me at all. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s talking to the moon like it can grant him a few more minutes.

I scoot to the end of the bed looking at his broad back and tight ass! He’s the first man I’ve ever looked at this way -with so much lust and want.

“Merrik,” I wait for him to turn around so I can be sure he hears every word I say like it’s an oath or promise, “I know you would never hurt me. No matter how…uncontrollable or animalistic you become, you would never hurt me. No part of you and who you are would ever cause me harm under any circumstances.”

He steps away from the window. Something about him is slightly different. He’s…bigger, broader somehow. And I’m pretty sure his eyes have changed. There’s a glint to them now that makes me think of the eyes of a predator tracking prey. Not for a second do I worry or fear him. If he’s my predator I am more than willing to be hunted down.

Chapter Eighteen


“You don’t know what you’re saying, little one. You can’t possibly understand what will happen when I lose control.”

“Then show me.” I curl my finger up in a come-hither motion and lay back on the bed. I don’t have to wait or give him a second invitation. He is on me in the blink of an eye, pulling at my shirt and leggings. I hear stitches popping and know that he’s about to rip me out of them. I try to work my shirt over my head as his eyes latch onto the tops of my breasts spilling out of my bra.

I save my shirt but not the lace bra. He’s got the delicate material ripped off me before I can even try to unlatch it.

He brings his mouth to my neck and starts sniffing and licking and kissing me. I feel his teeth nip at me and remember the place over my pubic bone. I grab his face and bring his attention fully to me.

“You bit me.”

“It’s how I claim you. That and to make love to you.”