Page 48 of One Wild Night

"Just that they are from out of town. Miami, I think." Bennett was always one for stating the obvious. "I'm already watching them, boss."

The first few fights were pretty slow. They danced around the ring, hardly battling. In my opinion, it wasn't a good fight unless blood was flowing from one or both of the fighters. Vincent joined us a few fights in with some of his men. I had a few of my own runners circling down near the ring, and a few upstairs with Bennett and me. I wasn't taking any chances. There were some suspicious as fuck characters here tonight.

"Does this bring back memories, Ryan?" Vincent asked, patting me on the back. "I still remember sitting with Carlo all those years ago, watching you fight for the first time."

"It feels strangely like home," I admitted, noticing my fighter, Michael, was up next. Finally, some action.

Michael Decoma was a good fighter. He had pace and wasn't afraid to take a punch if it meant he could aim for a weakness on his opponent. Plus, there was blood, and a lot of it. It went through to six rounds until he finally got a knockout. Bennett's lead had clearly been right. I'd just doubled my money. More importantly, Frankie would be able to settle his debt.

"Can you get Mickey? He needs to get Frankie to pay up. He'll spend it if we don't act quickly," I ordered Bennett.

"Hey, Ryan," a female voice whispered into my ear seductively. I turned to see Vincent's daughter, Heidi. I'd fucked the woman at least six times in the last two years, and she still wouldn't get off my dick.

"Good evening, Heidi," I smiled and kissed her hand; I had to make Vincent think I was a gentleman, even when really I wasn't. Fucking his daughter over his desk last year had ruined any chance of that. Not my finest hour, but Heidi had begged me. "You're looking as lovely as ever."

"When are you two going to admit your feelings for each other? Ryan, you know I want you as my son-in-law," Vincent laughed. Fuck, I think I'd rather be shot. Heidi was Miss Fake from her nails to her tits. I liked my women, real, wild and with beautiful, chocolate brown eyes. Siena Clark to be precise!

I chuckled, trying to brush Vincent's comment off as a joke when really, I knew he was being serious. "If you'll excuse me," I replied, noticing Bennett make his way toward me. Something was wrong.

"What is it?" I asked as Bennett reached me. He was shaking with tension.

"The fucking Rivera brothers were shouting their mouths off. They say Frankie's money is theirs. He owes them, too, apparently."

"Do they know I'm here?" I questioned. The Rivera brothers weren't a threat; they were little boys compared to me. Bennett grinned, shaking his head. I knew he was thinking the same as me. Perhaps it was time to show the Rivera brothers who owned these streets.

The brothers were currently outside the club shouting their mouths off at Frankie. Too bad for them, Bennett had already collected from him. They were wasting their breath.

"Is there a problem, Frankie?" I called, undoing my jacket. Bennett and I had brought a few of our runners with us in case there was any trouble after we sorted the Rivera brothers out.

Both brothers froze as they spotted me. "No, thank you, Ryan," Frankie gulped, looking away.

"You haven't been borrowing money again have you, Frankie? What would Maria say?" I shook my head in disappointment.

"Frankie borrowed from us first. That money you collected is ours!" one of the brothers yelled, trying to make a lunge for me. I side-stepped his advance before slamming my knee into his stomach. These boys never learned.

"You fucker!" the other Rivera snarled, watching his brother roll around on the cement in agony. He reached for his gun, but I threw my fist into his face first. This motherfucker wasn't playing fair. We would be settling this with our fists. I took my jacket off, rolling up my selves while he did the same. He was a little tougher than his brother, and it took a lot of wrestling around and quite a few punches to knock him down. By the time I did, there was quite a gathering around us. Ryan Lawson didn't fight with his fists anymore, but I was so worked up by my current situation with Siena, that I needed to let off some steam. Unfortunately, the Riveras were the unlucky recipients of my rage. The first brother was still rolling around on the floor while I waited for the stocky one to get back up.

The bulkier one got up one more time, spitting blood and asking if that was all I had. He got a few shots in, but it didn't hurt. I landed my final blow, smashing him hard across the face. It was a classic knock out as he fell face first onto the ground.

"Don't make me fucking kill you!" I roared, panting as the adrenaline surged through me. "Stay the fuck down!" The brother nodded, clutching his face and stomach.

I turned around to the crowd watching me. Heidi was gazing at me like a bitch in heat.I don't think so, sweetheart. You're not humping any part of me tonight."Shows over, everyone!" I yelled, watching the crowd quickly disburse. "And Frankie, you owe me," I smirked, wiping my bloodied lip. He nodded before rushing off.

Vincent stood with his daughter and Bennett.

"Good one, brawler," Bennett grinned, handing me my jacket.

"Fuck, that felt amazing," I exhaled. “Just what I fucking needed tonight.”

"That fight was better than the ones inside this club," Vincent chuckled. "It's nice to see you haven't lost your touch, Ryan."

"You can never show weakness, Vincent," I smirked. "You and Carlo taught me that."

"You have a strength inside you that belongs to a leader, Ryan," Vincent commented. "I've always thought that, and Carlo is starting to see it, too."

"I don't want to lead."

"There might come a time when you won't have any choice!" he hollered over his shoulder while helping Heidi back into the club. I wasn't going to get into this again. I wasn't a fucking leader!