Libby introduced me to several of the other ladies, most of whom had no qualms about taking off all their clothes for extra tips. They had gorgeous bodies, and they weren’t afraid to show it. A few of them were pretty friendly, but most were standoff-ish and obviously thought I was beneath them. That didn’t bother me in the slightest, though. I was here to make some money, and once I had enough, I was going to disappear...for good.
Libby and I talked for a few minutes at the back of the club before she led me to the locker room so I could change. Not wanting to leave mid-conversation, she stayed with me so we could finish chatting. As much as I liked her, I was wary to share anything about myself or the past I was running from. Maybe I would be more comfortable in time, but for now, I had to keep those secrets locked away.
I set my bag down on one of the benches and removed the new outfit I had chosen specifically for today. Never having been to a club like Cherries before, I had to guess as to what I thought the patrons would like. I ended up choosing a pair of silver hot pants and matching bikini top, finishing off the outfit with some sexy, strappy silver stilettos.
While I didn’t plan on taking my clothes off for money, I wasn’t ashamed of my body. I stripped down in front of Libby and put on the new outfit, grateful that she seemed to be trying to give me a little privacy by not staring at me while I changed, at least. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my makeup bag and walked to a mirror on the wall.
As I listened to Libby tell me a little more about herself, I applied my makeup, putting it on heavier than I normally would. When I was done, I stood back and stared at my reflection, hardly recognizing the woman in front of me. My mousy brown hair hung in ringlets down my back, and my mocha colored eyes stood out strikingly against the smoky gray eyeshadow I wore. My lips were coated in a deep burgundy lipstick, and my cheeks were slightly pink from the rouge I had brushed on. Satisfied that I looked pretty hot, I turned around to face Libby.
“Damn, girl! You are fuckingsexy! If you look like that every night, you’ll have all the guys here eating out of the palm of your hand in no time,” she giggled. “Do you have a song selected for your first dance? We have a kickass DJ named Jesse working tonight, and he has almost every song you can think of. I think you’ll like him. Come on, let me introduce you.”
I had to laugh because she hadn’t even given me time to answer her question before she was dragging me out of the locker room and up to the DJ’s booth. She was right, though. Jesse was a cool guy and did have practically every record imaginable. As we talked music, I couldn’t help but smile. I may have been there to dance and show off my body, but the fact that Jesse didn’t once leer at me like most of the other men in the club had, made me instantly like him. Maybe he was gay.
When I told him that I wanted to dance to Madonna’sLike a Virgin, he grinned at Libby and shook his head. “I think she’s trying to make a statement. What do you think, Libs?”
Libby just laughed and grabbed my hand, then proceeded to drag me backstage.
By the time the current song was drawing to a close, my palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had taken ballet in high school, and to warm up, we would do some exercises with a pole. To actually pole-dance, though—seductively in front of a room of drunk, horny men—was a completely different story. Needless to say, I was nervous as fuck.
Libby must have been able to tell, because as Carlo’s deep, melodic voice came over the sound system to introduce me, she pulled me into a suffocating hug. “Relax, Trixie. You’ll do perfectly fine out there. Just remember that you’re in control, and stay confident and sassy. The men eat that shit up.” She pulled away like nothing weird had just happened, then slapped me on my ass and shooed me out onstage just as Carlo announced my name. “Good luck!” she whispered before making her way back out front to watch my performance.
I took my place right by the pole mounted at center stage, and even though the room was nearly pitch black, I could feel several people watching my silhouette in anticipation. When the music started and the lights came up, I placed one hand on the pole and circled it, making eye contact with as many of the men in the front as I could. I made it all the way around and then bucked my hips into the cold metal, sliding up and down a few times before spinning around it again.
I had a few tricks in my arsenal, but I wanted to save those for a little later on in the song. Still gripping the pole, I walked halfway around so my back was to the crowd. There were loud catcalls and wolf whistles when I started shaking my hips to the beat of the music. They got even louder as I hooked my left leg around the pole and spun in quick circles until my ass was on the ground and the pole was between my legs. Using my hands as leverage, I planted my feet and lifted my hips, thrusting seductively against the shiny object.
Men from the tables in the back of the room rose from their seats and were closing in on the stage area. Figuring it was now or never, I got to my feet and shimmied around again. Facing away from the audience, I placed my hands high on the pole and jumped up, straddling it and squeezing my thighs together to hold me in place. Arching my back, I released my hands and used my stomach muscles to support me as I flashed some cleavage at the patrons. After a few seconds of holding the position and nearly falling out of my top, I straightened up and slid my way down the pole, shaking my ass and earning more whistles.
When I spun around, my eyes met with Ryan’s for a brief moment. I couldn’t help but smirk at him and toss my hair over my shoulder as I continued to dance. Was it possible that god-like creature wanted me? The mere thought of it turned me on more than anything ever had.
I made a full circle on the pole when I saw him waving a hundred dollar bill around, trying to get me to come over. Feeling overly confident and wanting to fuck with him a bit, I sauntered over and shimmied my hips just inches from his face. His eyes were locked on my covered pussy, and I could have sworn I saw him lick his lips. An image of him between my legs flashed through my mind, and I felt myself getting damp with arousal. Shaking my head slightly to clear it, I continued with my dance.
Every time Ryan reached up with the money, I backed away so he couldn’t touch me. He wasn’t supposed to touch me anyway. At least...I didn’t think he was. None of the customers were allowed to touch the dancers according to what I’d been told. Carlo had said that Ryan ran the club, though, so I wondered if that meant he was an exception and could do what he wanted. That thought both thrilled and terrified me.
Still, I shook my head with a smirk on my face and sank down to my hands and knees. His eyes were focused on my tits—they were nearly bursting out of my bikini top as I began to make my way toward him—so without him even noticing, I pulled the money from his hand with my teeth.
“Thanks!” I winked as I rose to my feet and headed back to the pole to finish the song. I could feel his eyes boring into me until the lights went out and I collected my other tips.
When I walked offstage, I placed my hands on my knees and bent over, drawing in quick, shallow breaths. I was dripping with sweat and felt like I was going to hyperventilate from my time in the spotlight. Being the center of attention was something that would definitely take some getting used to if I was going to keep the job.
When my breathing returned to normal, the sound of the crowd came into focus, and despite Jesse’s attempt at introducing the next dancer, they were all screaming my name. Straightening up, I noticed Libby making her way toward me.
“Oh my god, Trixie! You were ah-maze-ing! Did you hear how the crowd reacted? They fuckinglovedyou! And holyshitballs! The way you took that money from Ryan with your teeth? I about creamed my panties right then and there. Girl, that was smokin’ hot!”
Her mention of Ryan had me glancing around to see if he had made his way to the back, but disappointment set in when I didn’t see him. There was a mutual attraction between us—that much was obvious—I just wasn’t sure what I would do about it. Could I doanythingabout it? I mean...he was the manager of the club and I was an employee. Carlo hadn’t mentioned any rules about not dating other people that worked there, but maybe he didn’t think he needed to. The one thing I did know was that Ryan was sexy as hell and I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone.
“Earth to Trixie!” Libby’s voice broke me out of my Ryan-induced trance, and I shook my head to clear it. “Do you want to rinse off and get changed? There are showers in the locker room. You’re only dancing the one time tonight, right?”
I smiled at her and nodded. “A shower sounds like heaven right about now. And yes, Carlo wanted to see how I did before he offered me a permanent position. This was an audition of sorts.”
Libby smirked. “Well, Carlo is a dumb jackass if he doesn’t hire you afterthat!”
“I guess we’ll see what happens.” I laughed as we made our way to the locker room. When we got there, I pulled my clothes out of my locker but then paused. “Hey, Libby? Is there a place around here I can smoke? I’m jonesing for some fucking nicotine.”
Wrinkling her nose, she giggled and teased, “Oh, you’re one of those, huh? Yeah, if you walk out of the locker room and make a right, the door at the end of the hall leads out into the back alley. You can smoke out there. I would offer to keep you company, but I go on in ten minutes and need to touch up my makeup.”
“That’s okay. Thank you for showing me around today. I really appreciate it.”
She pulled me into another tight hug before stepping back. “Anytime. I like you, Trixie. I have a feeling that you and I are going to be great friends.”