Page 12 of Perfect Enough

I raised my brows, curious. How much personal information was he willing to share? For that matter, how much was I?

Me: Josh, we need some ground rules for this new friendship.

Josh Shaw: Give them to me, Soph.

My heart tripped over itself. The only people who called me that were Chloe and my father. Shaking off the weird feeling, I typed out my rules.

Me: We can only give each other one personal detail each day. We both met that rule already with our names.

Josh Shaw: I can get down with that rule. Next?

Me: The second you ask me for phone sex or a nude pic, we’re done.

Josh Shaw: LMAO. As long as you don’t ask for dick pics, I’m good with that rule as well.

I grinned.

Me: No pictures of each other.

Josh Shaw: Okay. Honestly, though, I already have you pictured in my mind.

There went that weird feeling in my chest again. I took a deep breath and debated what I wanted to text next. I waited so long, he texted first.

Josh Shaw: You there?

Me: Yes. Sorry. Tell me how you describe me?

Josh Shaw: Not tonight, Sophia Montgomery.

I giggled like a schoolgirl, then rolled my eyes. “Get it together, Sophia.”

Josh Shaw: Wait. You got two personal things from me, so it’s only fair I get one more.

Me: You’re right. That’s fair.

Josh Shaw: What color are your eyes, Sophia?

I drew in a deep breath and chewed on my thumbnail.

Me: Brown.

The dots started. Stopped. Then started again.

Josh Shaw: Thank you. My vision of you is growing more detailed. Good night, Sophia. Sleep well.

My eyes darted over to the time. It was only eight. I wanted to ask him if he was going to bed or trying to end the conversation. I started to type good night when another text came in.

Josh Shaw: I should explain why I’m going to bed so early. I’ve got to be up at 5 AM…work on a cattle ranch.

I smiled. He had given me yet another personal detail. We were clearly going to be shit at this.

Me: You didn’t need to explain, but thank you. Good night, Josh. I hope you have a peaceful sleep.

Setting my phone down, I frowned as I tried to figure out where I’d heard the name Shaw before.

Chapter Three