Page 59 of Quiet Longing

Nuala linked her arm through mine, talking about how legendary the town’s beach parties were as we walked across the strand. In the distance, I could see a large gathering of teenagers. There were crates of beer and other booze being passed around; not to mention, someone had lit a small bonfire. It almost reminded me of the beach parties back home, and I felt an unexpected rush of homesickness. I missed my friends and my mom and had to remind myself I didn’t need to be sad because I’d get to see her in two weeks.

The first people I recognised had a pit forming in my stomach. Nuala’s ex-friends, Kiera and Danielle, were hanging out in a group. I tried my best to steer us in the opposite direction, but Nuala had already noticed them.

“It’s fine,” she said with a heavy breath when she saw my concerned expression. “We live in the same town and go to the same school. I’m going to have to get used to bumping into them.”

I squeezed her elbow and sent her a smile. “That’s the right attitude. Come on, let’s go find your brothers.”

We wove through the gathering, no sign of the boys until a whistle pierced the air, and I spotted Aidan a short distance away. “Nuala! Moretti! Over here!” he shouted.

That was when I saw them all sitting on the sand drinking beers. Milly was there, too, and Nuala immediately hurried to say hello, pulling her into a hug and gushing about how pretty her earrings were. Tristan was making out with a cute brunette while Theo and Aidan chatted to a couple girls I recognised from the party at Aidan’s house. As always, my attention was drawn to Rhys; though this time, I was struck with an unfamiliar sensation. He stood talking to a girl, a pretty one with long dark hair. She placed her hand on his bicep, laughing at something he said.

Oh, hell no.

A feeling of irritation claimed my chest, especially after the kiss we’d shared back in my bedroom. Something territorial took over as I stepped right up to him and slid my arm around his waist. “Hey,” I said, my voice low, and he turned, a smile curving his lips when he saw me.

“Charli,” he breathed. “You came.”

I nodded then glanced at the girl. She was looking at me with a polite expression, but there was also a faint glimmer of annoyance in her wide brown eyes.

“I didn’t realise you had a girlfriend, Rhys,” she said, her lips pressing together, a subtle sign she wasn’t happy. So, Rhys had been wrong when he’d said girls weren’t into him. He was just too oblivious to notice the ones who were.

“Oh, uh—”

“Hi, I’m Charli,” I said and held out my hand. Her eyes lit in recognition like she’d heard my name already.

“Right, Derek and Tristan’s cousin,” she said, briefly shaking my hand, head bobbing.

“Why do I feel like my reputation precedes me?”

Her cheeks coloured, and I got the sense she didn’t want to elaborate. “Oh, well, I probably shouldn’t say.”

At this, Rhys frowned, and I noticed he’d slid his arm around my waist, too, pulling me close. “June, what did you hear?”

“It’s just Kiera Morrissey. You know what she’s like. She was telling people Nuala Balfe’s cousin was in town for the summer and that … uh, that she was a raging bitch.” She wore a sheepish expression as she took a nervous swig from her bottle. “Sorry.”

I wasn’t sure why, but I burst out laughing, finding it funny that the meanest girl I’d met here was going around callingmea raging bitch. And all because I’d had the stones to stand up for Nuala.

Rhys didn’t appear to see the funny side, his voice low and his jaw tensing as he grunted, “She saidwhat?”

June raised her hands. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Oh, look, I just spotted my friend Paul. I better go.”

She hurried off like she couldn’t get away fast enough. I twisted in Rhys’ hold and pressed one hand to his chest, the other going up to smooth over his tense jaw. “Don’t be mad. I’m not. That girl is awful. You know she’s been ostracising Nuala from their friend group, right?”

“Yeah, but she doesn’t get to talk about you. She doesn’t know you,” he replied, and I could still feel his tension beneath my fingers.

“I’m not letting it faze me, and neither should you. Besides, I want to hear about June.” I cocked my head in the direction she’d gone.

Rhys frowned, eyes finding mine. “What about her?”

“How do you know her?”

He shrugged, his attention going to my hand on his chest. “We share some classes at school.”

“And?” I prodded.

“And what?”

“She’s clearly into you. She was all touching your bicep and giggling at your jokes.” I pressed my lips together at the mirth that entered his gaze. It appeared Rhys enjoyed my jealousy. “I bet you didn’t even say anything that funny,” I grumped.