“Stop. I need to pee, and when I laugh, it makes it worse.”
“Sorry. You can go. It doesn’t matter if Aidan finds us. It’s only a game.”
“No, I want to win,” I argued. “I’ve got a mean competitive streak.”
Rhys gazed at me fondly, and a few moments of silence passed. My mind went over our conversation, and I remembered my half formed idea to have a fling with an Irish boy that summer. I’d never been particularly eager to lose my virginity. It was just something I figured would happen when the time was right and when I met the right person, and staring at Rhys, I suddenly felt like I had. If I was going to be with someone for the first time, I wanted it to be him. He was so patient and caring. Gwyn said her first time was awful and borderline traumatic. She’d slept with some stoner guy she met at a concert. I couldn’t imagine it being anything like that with Rhys. He’d be careful with me. And I’d be oh so careful with him.
“I’ve had a thought,” I said before fully thinking through the proposal.
“A thought?” Rhys questioned.
Nerves tumbled through me. “Well, you see, since we both have this virgin thing hanging over us, I thought, maybe …” I was glad of the darkness because my cheeks flamed hot.
“Charli,” Rhys said, his voice a husky murmur. His hand moved higher to my ribcage. My pulse pounded as I willed myself to finish voicing my idea.
“We could have sex,” I blurted. “That way, we wouldn’t be virgins anymore. We’d be doing each other a favour.” This wasn’t at all true. Generally, I was in no hurry to have sex. But I wanted to have sex with Rhys. I just didn’t have the courage to simply express that want since it was all tied up in the feelings I was developing for him. Putting it out there as a simple proposition allowed me to feel a lot less vulnerable. If he said no, I could hide how personally I’d take the rejection.
Rhys was stunned silent, or at least that was what I thought, but then I realised why he’d fallen quiet. The door had just opened, and Aidan stepped inside the room.
“I know someone’s in here. I heard you talking.”
Crap, had I been that loud? My eyes met Rhys’, and I was suddenly filled with tension because I’d just asked possibly the most embarrassing question I’d ever asked in my life, and he couldn’t currently give an answer. His eyes were soft, though, a little searching, his expression tender as he stared at me. Oh man, could he see through my bluster? Could he tell I was making out like sex could be a simple arrangement between us to cover how attached I already felt? If it weren’t for his sudden silence, I might’ve suspected he hadn’t even noticed Aidan entering the room. He was just looking at me in a way that made my throat turn dry. It made me feel open and exposed. But not judged. Rhys would never judge me.
Aidan checked all about the room, though strangely he didn’t think to look behind the couch. Rhys’ hand came to the back of my neck, his fingers tracing along my hairline, and a shiver trickled through me. I was vaguely aware of Aidan talking to himself grumpily as he left the room, the door closing with a soft click.
My eyes returned to Rhys’, and I hoped he’d say something, anything, but he didn’t breathe a word. Instead, he leaned closer, and my breath caught when he touched his lips to mine. I inhaled sharply, my heart hammering as he closed his eyes, his mouth beginning to move. He was kissing me, and it was like my brain short circuited. It took me a moment to fully register it was happening.
Then my lips automatically began to move with his, kissing him back. He huffed a gruff breath, his hand on my neck angling my head back as he deepened the kiss. He moved his body, hovering over me until my back was flat to the carpet. and he was above me. I gripped his shirt, tugging him closer, needing more of … something.
My breathing turned all fast and erratic, a coiling, sharp tension between my thighs. I was turned on in a way I’d never been when kissing a boy before. I mean, kissing had felt nice, but it wasn’t like this. It didn’t make me feel like tearing all my clothes off and begging Rhys to put his mouth on more places than just my lips.
I let out a small moan, but it must’ve been louder than I expected because Rhys pulled away, his breathing just as fast as mine. He pressed his forehead to my cheek and swore under his breath. “Christ,Charli.”
I shifted a little beneath him, shocked when I felt the hardness in his pants brush my stomach. I wanted to lower my hand and feel him properly, but I was too scared.
“Don’t stop, please,” I whimpered, my mouth seeking his, and he groaned. I was the aggressor this time, my tongue snaking past his lips as I tasted him. I couldn’t get enough. I could lie on the floor with him all night and never tire of kissing him.
My hand finally loosened on his shirt, and I lowered it down over his stomach. I felt him shudder, and I was about to summon the courage to palm his very evident erection when, suddenly, he grabbed my hand.
“Don’t,” he grunted, breaking the kiss, his blue eyes almost pleading. “If you touch me I can’t guarantee I won’t embarrass myself.”
“I don’t care. Whatever happens, you don’t need to be embarrassed, not with me. I just want to feel you,” I said, trying to break free, but his grip was too firm. I was awash with desire, my lids at half-mast as my gaze pleaded with him. His other hand came up, caressing my cheek.
“You should see yourself right now. You’re like a dream. So fucking beautiful.”
My heart shimmered at his words and the worshipful look in his eyes. I pressed my lips to the underside of his jaw and felt him shiver as I began kissing my way back to his mouth. Then, suddenly, the door sprang open, and Aidan stomped back in.
“Okay, I definitely heard someone this time. Show yourselves.”
Rhys and I broke apart. My lips felt kiss swollen, and my skin continued to tingle from the memory of his mouth on me. Aidan walked about the room before his head appeared over the top of the couch.
“Well, what do we have here? A very cosy little hiding spot. I fecking knew I heard voices in this room.”
Being found in this position with Rhys was damning. Aidan arched an eyebrow at me like his theory about me planning to steal Rhys’ virtue had been proven correct.
“Congratulations, you found us,” I said, suddenly overcome with shyness and unable to look either Rhys or Aidan in the eye as I sat up. I was also annoyed he’d interrupted the best few minutes of the summer so far.
Rhys rose to stand then reached down to pull me up with him. His warm palm slid across mine, and I could almost forget Aidan was in the room when our eyes connected. It was only then I realised he hadn’t said yes or no to my proposition.