“Who’s pretending?” I countered, my towel hanging around my shoulders as I stepped close to him and looked up. My eyes found his and held. “You’re hot, Rhys. Time to accept it.” Then I lost complete control of my faculties when I went up on my tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. I heard his intake of breath as my lips met his warm skin. I moved away, and every inch of me flamed hotter. Rhys eyes burned into mine, his expression intense, his jaw flickering in that way that always mesmerised me. I wanted to move my mouth a little to the left because I’d been becoming more and more curious about what his lips felt like.
What they might taste like.
I was pretty sure I’d stunned him because he didn’t say a word as I left and went upstairs, my heart pounding the entire time. When I entered the kitchen, everyone appeared to have showered and changed into dry clothes. Just how long had Rhys and I dawdled in the pool for?
“You and Rhys missed your chance to order,” Tristan told me with a glint in his eye like he imagined we’d been downstairsmaking out or something. “So, you’ll just have to eat what we picked.”
“That’s fine. I’m going to grab a quick shower.”
I passed through and made my way to the stairs. I made it onto the first step when Aidan appeared. He was studying me curiously like I was a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out.
“If you’re here to enact revenge, you should know I’m not afraid to fight dirty.”
Aidan chuckled and shook his head, raising his hands in the air. “No revenge, I promise. I’ve decided to take the high road on this one.”
“Very mature of you,” I said, still not trusting him. This waving of the white flag could be a ruse.
A beat of silence fell before he went on, “So, you and Rhys, eh?”
I placed a hand on my hip. “Is that a statement or a question?”
“A bit of both I suppose.”
“Huh, okay, well, I’m going now.”
“Hold on,” he said, rubbing his jaw, and for a very brief second, I saw his mask of bravado slip and a hint of genuine curiosity show. “You like him?”
“Yes,” I told him truthfully. “I like Rhys a lot. He’s a great guy. Is that all?”
Aidan blew out a breath. “I don’t know whether to be annoyed or happy about this.”
“Excuse me?”
He shook his head, starting to smile a little as his eyes ran over me. “It’s a shame. We could’ve had some fun together, but I can’t help being made up for Rhys. He deserves to get laid.”
His assumption bothered me. “Who says he’s getting laid? I like him. That doesn’t mean we’re going to have sex.”
Now, Aidan’s expression turned knowing. “Sure, and you didn’t use me coming for you in the pool as an excuse to put your hands all over him. I’m onto you, Moretti. You want to take the lad’s innocence. He doesn’t know what he’s in for.”
His teasing tone was warm rather than mocking. But, still, I didn’t appreciate yet again being painted as some sort of vixen out to deflower poor innocent Rhys. Derek was the first to insinuate it and now Aidan. Was that how I came across? Because it certainly wasn’t how I felt. I was a virgin for crying out loud. And furthermore, was that how they saw their friend? I didn’t see Rhys that way. He might’ve been more reserved than the other boys, but the way he looked at me sometimes … I suspected he had thoughts about me that were far from pure.
“I’m not taking anyone’s innocence,” I stated. “And if Rhys didn’t want my hands all over him, he would’ve said so. Now, I’m going to shower.” With that, I continued up the stairs, hearing Aidan’s amused chuckle as I left.
What he said got me thinking, though. Derek had mentioned Rhys had never had a girlfriend. That didn’t technically mean he was a virgin, but after Aidan’s comment on his innocence, I had to believe he was. Well, that made two of us.
I showered quickly then threw on some leggings and, feeling brave, cast aside the sweater I’d been about to pull on before grabbing Rhys’ blue hoodie. I put it on, loving the feel of wearing something that belonged to him, before twisting my hair up in a knot. Hearing the doorbell ring, I noted the food had arrived, and my stomach rumbled. I was starving.
Everyone was dividing up the pizzas when I entered the kitchen. Grabbing a plate, I made brief eye contact with Rhys before taking the seat next to him. I wondered what he thought about me wearing his hoodie, not to mention kissing his cheek down by the pool. I’d never been very forward when it came to guys I’d liked. Usually, if I wasn’t being actively pursued, I justkept my feelings to myself until they eventually faded. But with Rhys, it was different. I liked him so much I couldn’t help myself.
I felt his gaze practically sizzling into me, but he didn’t comment on my attire even though I knew he’d noticed it.
After we ate, Tristan began suggesting we play a game of Hide and Seek like we used to when we were kids.
“I’m not sure you’re supposed to play that after the age of ten,” Theo said with a chuckle.
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun. We’ll play the grown-up version.”
“What’s the grown-up version?” Rhys asked.