Page 42 of Quiet Longing

“No worries.” His gaze was curious before his focus went to the cocktails. “What are you girls drinking?”

“Cosmopolitans. Nuala had a recipe she wanted to try.” I slid my glass over to him, trying to distract from the discomfort I felt. “Have some of mine if you like.”

God, what had I been about to say just then? Sorry for thinking you wanted me just because I’m a girl who’s giving you the time of day. The idea that teenage boys were always down for whatever with whomever wasn’t always true. And it definitely wasn’t true of Rhys. He was a thoughtful, careful type. The sort of boy who probably had intense feelings for one person, someone he was comfortable with. He wasn’t the kind where anyone would do.

At least that was the sense I got.

I watched as he lifted the glass, bringing it to his nose for a sniff before he took a small taste. Instantly, his brows drew together, but I was mostly distracted by him putting his lips where mine had been only moments ago. “That’s strong.”

“Of course, it’s strong,” Nuala said. “I stole a bottle of Grey Goose from Dad’s liquor closet. Oh, and some triple sec.”

“Christ, have you been drinking this, too?” Derek asked Milly as he eyed her small frame before shooting a glower in Nuala’s direction. She gave a carefree shrug, unaffected by his obvious disapproval.

I didn’t blame him for worrying about Milly, though. The girl was so tiny she looked like she’d get drunk on a thimbleful of alcohol, never mind the boozy cocktails Nuala had been rustling up. I was pretty sure she’d put more vodka in than the recipe recommended, too, but I hadn’t been very concerned since it was just us girls in the house. Now, Rhys was beside me, and I needed to be careful in case my inhibitions slipped away. I’d already embarrassed myself with him last night by practically begging him to kiss me with my eyes.

Going forward, I needed to bea lotmore self-contained.

Rhys took another sip, a hint of a grin on his face as I swiped it back. “Hey, don’t drink it all,” I complained, my mind going to the night of my welcoming party when Aidan had eaten from my soup bowl. I’d been annoyed and put off by his over familiarity, but with Rhys, it was different. I liked him drinking from my glass, enjoyed the teasing look in his eyes when he’d taken a second sip.

“Okay, Nuala, I think you’re going to have to whip up another batch of those,” Aidan said. “Us boys are thirsty.”

“Coming right up,” Nuala grinned as she began grabbing more glasses.

We moved from the island to the large dining table so everyone could sit. Rhys took the chair next to mine, and my chest shimmered. Okay, so, maybe he did like me? There were lots of other chairs, but he’d taken the one right next to mine. Hell, I was all over the place about this boy, my feelings and insecurities tangled up in a knotted mess. I’d also had two cocktails, and I was buzzed. Maybe I should switch to soda because I honestly didn’t trust myself not to do something impulsive like ask him outright if he was into me the same way I was into him.

“What did you do today?” I asked while the others chatted loudly and animatedly about other topics.

“I was with my mam,” Rhys said. “I drove her to an appointment, and then we had lunch at my aunt’s house.”

“That’s where she’s staying?” I asked, careful not to push for too many details about his family situation. The last time, it hadn’t gone very well.

“Yeah, she, um.” He fell quiet a moment, a shadow passing over his features before he continued quietly, “She and my dad are splitting up. The appointment was to speak to a divorce lawyer.”

“Oh, Rhys,” I said, instinctively placing my hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. That’s got to be tough.”

“Not really. I’ve wanted her to divorce the prick for years. It’s a relief it’s finally happening. Like a weight is being lifted.”

I made note of him calling his father a prick. Evidently, they didn’t have a warm relationship. At least that was what I’d gleaned so far.

I squeezed his arm, hardly realising when my fingers smoothed down to his elbow. Maybe it was those two vodka and triple sec-laced cocktails, but I couldn’t seem to stop touching him. It took a conscious effort to remove my hand and place it in my own lap.

“You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, you know,” I said, and his eyes found mine.

We were locked in a stare when someone asked, “What about you, Charli?”

I glanced across the table and found Aidan looking at me. “Pardon?”

“We’re all going for a swim. Are you coming?”

“Is swimming and alcohol a good idea?” I asked.

“We should be fine,” Nuala said. “Everyone’s only had two cocktails so far.”

I glanced at Rhys. “You in?”

He shifted uncomfortably. “I might go read my book for a while.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t leave me on my own with you know who,” I said quietly, flicking my eyes in Aidan’s direction. There’d been a challenge in his voice when he’d asked if I was joining them for a swim, and I had a feeling Aidan was going to try and lay some kind of seduction moves on me once we were in the water. But he wouldn’t be able to do that if I clung to Rhys the whole time.