“Tiger Balm. It’s soothing for back pain. Do you want to go into the bathroom and put some on? I’ll warn you the smell is strong, but it works. I hurt my neck last summer, and this helped a lot.”
Gingerly, I took the jar, twisting open the cap and taking a sniff. I was assaulted by the scent of menthol and eucalyptus. “Wow, you weren’t kidding about the smell.”
“You can keep that jar. I told Derek to come find you here, so just stay put. I better go get finished with those boxes.”
“Okay,” I said as he moved towards the door. “Rhys?” He turned, glancing back at me, expectant. “Thanks for helping me. I’m sorry you have to do the boxes on your own.”
His eyes softened. “It’s no trouble. Just take it easy. I don’t want the rest of your summer ruined by a back injury.”
He left, and I considered taking his advice and going into the bathroom to put some of the balm on. The problem was, I couldn’t reach the painful area on my own and would need someone to apply it. So, I stayed put and waited for Derek to arrive.
Thirty minutes later, I was back at the house, lying in a flat position on my bed since it was the only way I could get comfortable. I’d tried laying on my stomach, but that just made matters worse. Well, at least the pain wasn’t as agonising as it was earlier. It had subsided a little more, and the painkillers were doing their job. I was still working up the courage to change out of my work clothes and shower when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I thought it might be Aunt Jo or Uncle Padraig coming to check on me, so I called for them to come in, but then Rhys stepped through, looking handsome and tired after his shift.
“Still bad, huh?” he asked, grimacing as he looked me over.
“It’s better than it looks. This is just the most comfortable position for me right now.”
Rhys came in and shut the door, eyes travelling over me. “I clocked out for you at the hotel.”
“Thank you,” I groaned. “You’re the best.”
A beat of silence fell. “Did you try the Tiger Balm yet?”
“No, I can’t reach the spot where it’s sore.”
“I’ll go get Nuala.” He turned to leave.
“She’s not here. She went to her weekly driving lesson. I’m not sure when she’ll be home.”
“Ah, right, well …” Rhys trailed off, scratching awkwardly at the back of his head when I blurted, “Can you do it?”
“Um, you’ll need to take your top off, and I’m not sure if—”
“It’s fine. I have a tank on under this, and you should be able to reach my shoulder without me being completely topless,” I said, trying for a joke while a hint of colour rose in Rhys’ cheeks. He really was too adorable.
“Okay, well, can you sit up?”
He approached the bed, and I whined as I pushed up into a sitting position. Rhys grabbed the jar of Tiger Balm then came to sit next to me on the bed. I began unbuttoning my black shirt, revealing the thin white tank underneath. I’d completely forgotten I’d paired it with a deep purple bra that was outlined like a beacon under the pale material. Obviously, I hadn’t expected anyone to see me like this when I got dressed that morning.
Rhys’ eyes flicked down for a second before he turned his head, respectfully looking away while I removed the shirt. Finally, I turned around.
“Okay, I’m ready. Don’t worry about getting any on my top. I can throw everything in the wash later.”
Facing away from him, I couldn’t see when he turned back to me, but I swore I could feel his eyes on my bared skin. Tingles prickled at my shoulder blades as I awaited his touch. Rhys was silent in a way that made my stomach tighten. I’d pulled out my hair tie when I arrived home, and my dark locks currently rested down the centre of my back.
I inhaled sharply when Rhys slowly gathered my hair in his hands and swept it over my left shoulder. His knuckles, slightly calloused, brushed against my spine, and I swallowed thickly. I hardly felt the pain of my pulled muscle anymore because I was hyperaware of every move he made.
I heard the twist of the jar lid, and then that sharp menthol scent hit my nose before Rhys’ hand returned. His practiced fingers smoothed the balm over my shoulder. A hot, tingling sensation penetrated my skin, but it was surprisingly soothing. The warmth numbed the pain. Rhys’ fingers searched as he murmured, “Tell me where it’s centralised.”
“A little to the right,” I replied, and my voice sounded far too breathy. Rhys’ fingers traced slowly over my skin, and I swore I’d never been so aware of another person’s touch in my life. “There. That’s where it’s worst,” I said, and his fingers paused before gently rubbing more balm into my skin. He shifted his weight on the bed to get a better angle, and I felt my breathing quicken when the fabric of his shirt brushed against my other shoulder.
I remembered the day on the beach when he’d rubbed sunscreen onto my back, but this was far more intense. Perhaps because we were alone in the privacy of my room, or maybe the pain was making my head fuzzy. Without really thinking, I turned my head to look at him, and his eyes met mine. His hand stilled, and time seemed to slow to a snail’s pace.
Our eyes locked, and my throat grew dry. “Rhys,” I whispered, and something flared in his eyes hearing me utter his name. His attention lowered to my mouth, and I thought he might kiss me. Iwantedhim to kiss me more than anything.
The moment hung between us, but then I saw the very second his hesitation kicked in because his hand left me, and I instantly mourned the loss.
Rhys cleared his throat as he drew away. “That should start to work in a few minutes,” he said then left the room like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.