Page 29 of Quiet Longing

“Oh, no, something very bad is happening,” I declared, and Rhys chuckled low.

“Looks like Aidan wants a dance partner.”

“Yes,” I replied, prodding him in the side. “You better oblige him.”

“I don’t think I’m who he wants,” Rhys countered, clearly enjoying my discomfort. Well, I guess I deserved it after making that inappropriate joke.

Aidan threw up an invisible lasso, which he decided had landed perfectly around my waist as he began tugging me towards him.

“Sorry,” I said, thumbing over my shoulder. “You missed your mark. Your rope is on the floor over there.”

Again, Rhys chuckled, and I loved how the deep, husky sound landed low in my ears. Aidan shook his head. “No, it isn’t. Better come join me, Moretti. It’s my birthday wish.”

He continued tugging, and I gasped when a warm hand captured my elbow. “You heard him,” Rhys encouraged teasingly, and I shot him my finest scowl.

Across the room, Derek and Tristan appeared thoroughly amused by the scene playing out. I noticed a petite brunette sat close to Derek, his arm thrown over the back of the couch in a possessive manner though he wasn’t touching her. It was surprising since she was dressed more conservatively than the others in a calf length black skirt and burgundy cardigan. Her hair was so long it almost reached her hips. Nuala and Theo were too engrossed in conversation to notice what was going on. A few of the girls who’d been surrounding Aidan cast me displeased looks.

“I hate dancing,” I said through gritted teeth.

“No, you don’t. Come on, I’ll lead,” Aidan encouraged, undeterred.

I really did hate dancing. I always felt so awkward, unsure how to move my body, feeling like people were looking and judging. In this case, they would be, considering the amount of catty looks I was currently on the receiving end of.

Bothered by how much Rhys was enjoying this, I decided to turn the tables on him. It was an impulsive move when I rose and perched myself on his lap then threw my arms around his neck. As soon as I did, I felt him stiffen, his warm breath hitting the side of my neck. His hands rested at his sides, almost like he was afraid or perhaps too nervous to touch me. I turned back to Aidan.

“I can’t. Rhys will be very jealous. He doesn’t like me dancing with other men.” I fluttered my eyelashes coquettishly.

A brief flash of surprise then annoyance passed over Aidan’s features before two of the girls came and began tugging on his arm. “Come dance with us, Aid.”

They managed to distract him away, and I turned my attention back to Rhys, who seemed to be mesmerised by my chest, which was right around his eye level. A smirk pulled at the corners of my mouth as I leaned down and whispered, “What are you looking at?”

Rhys jumped, his expression sheepish as he shot me an apologetic look. “I, uh …”

I laughed. “It’s fine. You have my permission to check out my boobs so long as it gets me out of dancing.”

His throat bobbed as he swallowed. “I guess I deserved that.” Pausing, he studied me. “Do you really hate dancing?”

“With a passion.”

“In that case, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you.”

“It’s fine. I would’ve done the same if one of those hot girls came dancing up to you all come hither.”

That won me a small smile. I realised I was still sitting on his lap, my arms hanging loosely around his neck. His hands remained at his sides, and I had to admit I was disappointed. A part of me longed for him to wrap them around my waist, pull me close. But maybe he didn’t want to touch me. Maybe he wasn’t feeling this like I was.

I was about to disentangle myself when Rhys asked, “Are they?”

“Are they what?”

“Hot?” He nodded across the room. “Those girls.”

I looked at them, a few more had joined Aidan to dance. “I mean, objectively, yeah.” I glanced back at Rhys. “Obviously, you know they are. You have two eyeballs.”

“I think they scare me too much for me to consider their attractiveness,” he blurted honestly, which surprised a laugh out of me.

“Really? They scare you?” This had to be the most adorable thing I’d ever heard.

“Fuck yes,” he replied, and I enjoyed the guttural way he swore. “They’re so shiny and … and loud. I wouldn’t know what to do with a girl like that.”