“Okay, well, text me if you get lost.”
I nodded and answered brightly, “Hey Mom.”
“Charli, how are you? You never called yesterday. I was worried.”
“I’m good. I had my first shift at the hotel, so I was exhausted by the end of it. I’m sorry I forgot to call. How is everything at home?”
I heard her blow out a breath. “Everything’s fine here. The usual. I just wanted to check in with you before I went to work. Are you getting along okay with your cousins? And what about the job? Are your coworkers friendly?”
“The job is tiring but manageable. One of Derek and Tristan’s friends works there, so he’s been showing me the ropes. I’m getting along with my cousins just fine. You know I love Nuala. Derek seems to be a little overprotective though I’m sure I can handle him.”
“He told all his friends I was off limits.” I gave a chuckle. “Sounds like something out of a cheesy teen movie, right?”
“Hmm, he must take after his father. Padraig used to be the same with me,” Mom replied. “Although he never had any friends I was interested in so it didn’t make a difference. It’s probably for the best anyway, hon. You don’t need some boy turning your head. Before you know it, summer will be over, and you’ll be going off to college. I don’t need you coming home heartbroken and telling me you want to move to Ireland permanently.”
“Mom! As if I would ever do that. You know how excited I am for college. I worked my butt off for that scholarship.” As I said it, a trickle of guilt seeped in because I wasn’t being completely honest. Don’t get me wrong, I had no intention of falling head over heels and messing up my future, but a little fling would be nice. I could lose my V card before college, get some experience …
“Right, good. Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
“We definitely are.”
“So, what are your plans for today?”
“I’ve just arrived at the beach. Nuala and I are going to sunbathe and maybe take a swim.”
“How lovely. Oh, I do miss the beaches back home, especially in the summer. Well, I’ll let you go, then. Enjoy your day!”
“You, too. Talk soon, Mom. Love you.”
“Love you, too, hon.”
We hung up, and I dropped my phone in my tote bag, scanning the beach for Nuala and the others. It was completely crowded, and I couldn’t see them anywhere. I was about to pull out my phone again to call Nuala when Derek suddenly appeared.
“Thought you might need some help finding us,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Right, thanks. It’s like a maze of people here. I had no idea it was going to be so busy.”
“Give Dubliners a sunny day, and they’ll flock to the beach like ants,” he replied with a grin.
Thinking this might be a good moment to have that talk with him, I said, “So, Aidan mentioned something about you warning him and the rest of your friends away from me?”
Derek cast me a glance then blew out an irritated breath. “Of course, he did. Aidan can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.”
“Well, I just wanted you to know there’s no need for you to give any warnings on my behalf. I mean, I understand you being protective of Nuala. She’s your sister. But you don’t have to worry about me in that way. I’m a smart girl and can take care of myself, and I can certainly fend off any unwanted advances.”
Derek eyed me speculatively for a moment. “You obviously aren’t that smart if you’ve let Aidan Finnegan turn your head. He’s a player. Girls are a challenge to him, and once he has them, he moves on to the next.”
I barked a laugh. “I’m not interested in Aidan. Please give me more credit than that.”
“Then, why do you care that I told him to leave you alone?”
I pressed my lips together, a flash of Rhys’ handsome profile entering my head, the intense way he regarded me, and those blue eyes. “It’s the principal of the thing.”
Derek must’ve seen something in my expression because he stopped walking. “Wait, do you like one of the others? Theo?”
“No, I don’t like any of the others. I’ve barely spoken to Theo.”