With that, she left, and I stood next to a somewhat awkward looking Rhys.
“So,” I began. “Is it really going to be terrible, this freezer-cleaning business?”
He finished rinsing out some dishes then turned off the faucet. “It’s not as bad as changing oil or cleaning the ovens, but it’s not easy either.” He paused, giving me a once over with those handsome blue eyes. “You didn’t happen to bring a spare jumper, did you?”
I shook my head. Rhys frowned, studying me for a moment as he pressed his lips together. “I have a hoodie in my locker you can borrow. Come on.”
I followed him from the kitchen, down a long hallway, and into a staff room lined with lockers. He approached one and cast me a quick glance as he fiddled with the lock.
“They didn’t assign you one of these yet?” I shook my head. “Someone will probably come find you later and give you a code. In the meantime, you can store your things in mine if you want,” he said all this while not looking at me, and I got the sense Rhys was a little shy.
“Thanks. That’s kind of you,” I said, shrugging off my jacket and bag. I handed both to Rhys, and he took them quietly before giving me a thick, dark blue hoodie. The cotton was soft and cosy, well worn. It was way too big for me, but I didn’t mind so long as it kept me warm in the freezer. It smelled clean, too, like laundry detergent and a hint of male cologne. Was that his scent? Had he worn it already? A tiny shiver went through me.
I’d never worn a boy’s clothes before.
“Right,” Rhys said after he closed his locker. “Better get to it.”
He glanced at me, some indecipherable look in his eyes as they ran over his hoodie, probably noting it was too large on me. Then he rubbed his chin and exhaled a short breath before turning and leaving the room.
Again, I followed him, this time back to the kitchen. There were other members of staff prepping and cooking food. Rhys nodded hello to a few of them and introduced me as the new part-time porter. He didn’t mention I was the hotel owner’s niece, which I appreciated. I just wanted them to treat me like any other member of staff.
The freezer was basically an entire room that we entered through steel doors. It was lined with shelves of produce.
Rhys placed his hands on his hips then scratched the back of his neck as he eyed the shelves. I stood quietly, waiting for his instructions.
“First, we need to take inventory of what’s close to its ‘use by’ date and clear out some of the expired items,” he said. “There shouldn’t be too many of those because Moira keeps a system where most everything gets used on time. We’ll start here,” he continued, motioning to the farthest set of shelves, “and work our way back. After that we’ll need to move everything off the shelves and unplug the unit.” He grimaced. “That’s when the actual hard work begins. I hope you ate a good breakfast.”
“I had scrambled eggs on wholegrain toast,” I replied earnestly as a chill crept across the back of my neck. It really was lucky Rhys had this hoodie in his locker; otherwise, I would’ve been absolutely freezing.
A hint of a smile tugged on Rhys’ lips like he found me cute in some way before he turned and got started. We worked diligently for the next two hours. My arms, legs, and lower back ached since I wasn’t used to hard manual labour. I’d waitressed during the summers at a restaurant back home, but it didn’t involve heavy lifting, nor standing in such cold conditions. Thankfully, Rhys did most of the lifting work while I checked the dates on the containers.
By the time we’d finished the first part of the task, I was already exhausted.
“Please tell me this isn’t a typical day,” I said to Rhys when we stopped for a fifteen-minute break. I grabbed a diet soda and bag of chips from the vending machine in the staff room.
“It isn’t. You were just unlucky you started today. Most days you’ll be washing and drying dishes, emptying bins, cleaning the food areas, that sort of thing.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “That still sounds exhausting.”
Again, there was that hint of a smile. I noticed that about Rhys. He rarely smiled fully. It was like he couldn’t permit himself to show the amount of joy that came with a full smile, and I wondered why that was. Was it only shyness or something more?
“Mind if I ask a question?” Rhys said, eyeing me in a way that made my cheeks feel hot. What was it with this guy? And why did he make me feel so keenly observed?
“Shoot,” I replied before knocking back my last gulp of soda.
“Why are you working here this summer? Is your uncle making you or something?”
I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “No, that was my mom’s stipulation. She said I had to work at the hotel to pay my own way. She’s sort of uncomfortable with handouts. Like, her conscience couldn’t rest with me being given an all-expenses paid trip to Ireland.” I paused to chuckle. “It would literally keep her up at night.”
“My mam’s a little bit like that as well,” Rhys said. “If someone gives her a gift, she has to give them a gift back of equal or better value. She could never give a cheaper gift, even if money was tight. It’s almost like a moral compulsion.”
“Maybe it’s an Irish mother thing,” I replied, and he chuckled though there was the very vaguest hint of sadness behind his eyes. I couldn’t think what might account for it, but then again, I knew very little about him. I did find, however, I wanted to know him. I was drawn to him in a way I hadn’t been to a boy before. A part of me was curious to know what caused the flash of sadness. If it was fleeting or deeply set.
“Could be.”
We got back to work, mostly toiling away quietly as we cleaned out the freezer. The place was sparkling by the time we were done, and I felt like sleeping for the entire weekend. It was Friday, and I imagined Nuala and her brothers would probably have something social planned, but I was far too exhausted for anything other than an early night.
“Are you coming to the beach with us tomorrow?” Rhys asked when we returned to his locker at the end of the day.