Page 105 of Quiet Longing

So, yeah, there’d been a few bullies to deal with, but I’d spent my life dealing with my father, so I’d been ready for them. Clearing my mind of the memory, I brought my attention back to Charli.

“The years I spent in the legion helped me focus and gave me a purpose, but there was a lot about that place and the military in general I have conflicted feelings about. A part of me respects it and understands how it’s necessary for countries to protect themselves, and then another part just hates the fucking brutality that comes along with it. But I felt like I needed that brutality at the time. I was a soft patch of skin that needed to toughen up, develop calluses. There were people in my regiment who were like me, trying to run away from something and better themselves. Then there were others who were running away and wanted an excuse to hurt people, wield power over them.”

“That’s horrible,” Charli said, her voice soft. “I’m sorry it was like that.”

“Don’t be sorry. Most things in this world that are good also have a fucked up side. You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to find something that doesn’t.”

Charli eyed me in a way that made me feel like she saw so much more than I’d just revealed. “I was right,” she said at last. “You have gotten wise.” Our eyes locked for a prolonged moment before she glanced away, her gaze flicking down to check the time on her slim gold watch. “Shoot! I better get back before Maeve comes searching for me. Thank you for making time to chat.”

“I’ll always make time for you, Charli,” I said, and her eyes flared.

“That’s very kind of you, but I’ll try not to interrupt you while you’re working.” She took another step towards the door then paused, turning back as she winced, “Actually, I did have a favour I wanted to ask.”

“Ask away.”

“Well, I know I’ve only been here a couple weeks, but I think it’s time I start looking for a place of my own. I can’t stay with my aunt and uncle forever even though I know they love having me. I’ve been thinking about what you said, how tough finding a rental is right now. If it’s going to take months, I just thought I should make a start on the process.”

“Sounds like a good idea. What’s the favour?”

“Well, I was hoping to find somewhere close to work, but I’m not familiar with the different neighbourhoods. I was wondering if you’d maybe help me in my search, advise me on the places that are nice and which ones to avoid?”

Something tightened in my chest, not only because I liked her coming to me for advice but also because this was clearly a nerve-racking step for her, leaving the comfort and safety of Jo and Padraig’s house. If Charli married that motherfucker attwenty, then this would probably be her first time living on her own.

“Of course. I’m happy to help. In fact, I have an old neighbour who’s an estate agent. Her agency handles some rental properties, too, so I’ll give her a call and see if she has anything that might suit you.”

“Okay, great. Thanks, Rhys.” Charli exhaled a breath as she looked at the door. “I really better get back now, but let me know if your old neighbour has any suggestions.”

“Sure. And Charli?”

She blinked, waiting.

“I meant it about Steph. She gives you even a hint of hassle, you’ll come tell me, yeah?”

Nodding, her expression softened before she turned and left my office. I sat there for a moment, clicking my pen. Then I grabbed my phone and scrolled through to Janice’s number. We used to live in the same apartment building before I bought my house, and I dog sat for her a couple times when she went away on holiday so she owed me one.

She picked up after three rings. “Janice, long time no speak. I was wondering if I could cash in that favour?”


The following morning, I headed to the accounts office to talk to Charli. Janice had put together a list of the rental properties her agency was letting, and she was going to arrange some viewings for Saturday. I just had to check to see if Charli was free. I’d also decided I wasn’t pretending I didn’t know her anymore just to keep Steph off our case.

Reaching the accounts office, I rapped my knuckles on the door to announce my presence before stepping inside. Barry and Maeve were seated at their desks, both lifting their heads when I entered. Charli also sat at her desk, and I noticed she had a pair of reading glasses on while using her computer.Damn. Inever pegged myself as being into the sexy accountant look but I suspected she just unlocked a new kink.

Charli pushed the cat’s eye shaped glasses up to rest on top of her head as she blinked at me. “Rhys?”

“I just wanted to drop by with this.”

I handed her a folder with printed out details of the available properties Janice had emailed me, including pictures. And no, I wasn’t particularly a hard copy guy. I was just weirdly energised to help Charli in her search, so I’d gone all out.

“Oh. What is it?” She took the folder and pushed her glasses back down as she opened it to scan the contents.

“Those are some rental properties my friend Janice sent. She said she can arrange a few viewings this Saturday if you’re free.”

“Wow, this is great. Thanks so much. And yes, I’m free Saturday.”

“Perfect. I’ll let her know.”

With that, I turned, sending a quick nod to Charli’s coworkers. “Barry. Maeve.” And then I left. I knew Maeve would be straight on her phone to Steph, but I no longer cared. I’d tried being the good guy, but Steph clearly wasn’t interested in my kindness. When I’d spoken to her at the bar during Aidan’s restaurant opening, she’d made it very clear her intention was to sleep with my friend. I was so done with her games and hadn’t even bothered to call Aidan and ask if anything had happened. I didn’twantto know, and besides, Aidan was far too shrewd not to immediately peg that Steph was out for revenge. He’d been a bit vacuous as a teenager, but he wasn’t like that anymore. In fact, I enjoyed his company nowadays almost as much as I enjoyed Derek’s.