Page 103 of Quiet Longing

When Stephanie left, I tried to concentrate on the spreadsheets I was working on, but my focus was shot. I wasn’t sure why her knowing about Rhys’ and my past made me feel so tetchy. Maybe it was because of what he’d said about her possibly making things uncomfortable for me at work if she found out we’d been together.

Not wanting him to be blindsided by the turn of events, I waited until my mid-morning break then hustled across the hall and knocked on his office door.

“Come in,” he called, and I quickly stepped inside, closing the door before anyone (Maeve) spotted me.

“Charli?” Rhys said, surprised to see me since, aside from that one time when he’d pulled me in there, I never came to his office.

“Hey, so, I think I messed up,” I confessed, palms sweaty as I took a few steps into the room, stopping just shy of his desk.

“Sit down. Can I get you some coffee? Tea?”

“No, thank you.” My heart rate elevated slightly as I rubbed my sweaty hands on my thighs. I wore a dark green wrap dress paired with a black cardigan and flat shoes. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, and it suddenly felt far too tight.

“So,” he said, leaning back in his chair to eye me. “How did you mess up?”

I sent him the most apologetic look I could muster. “Stephanie was in the office talking to Maeve earlier. At first, she ignored me, but then she began talking about me being related to the Balfes and how you and I knew each other. I mentioned to her that we’d first met that summer when I came to visit, andshe looked furious. Did you tell her that was the summer you … I mean, we …” Oh, man, I was thirty-four years old. Why was I having such a hard time getting this out?

Rhys rubbed a finger across his lips. I expected him to frown, but it looked like he was holding back a smile. “The summer I …?” He made a gesture for me to continue, and I heaved a stressed out sigh.

“The summer you lost your virginity.To me. I think Stephanie might’ve made the connection while we were talking.” He smiled fully, an irritatingly handsome and amused smile. “Why do you look so pleased with yourself?” I asked with a huff.

“I’m just enjoying how flustered you’re getting talking about the fact we spent that summer shagging like rabbits,” he said, his tone pleased. “Good times.”

A shiver slid down my spine at the flicker of heat in his gaze. “Why aren’t you annoyed? I thought you didn’t want Stephanie to know about us?”

“Only because I don’t want her making life difficult foryou. I could give two shits what she’ll do to me. In fact, I’m fucking delighted. She overstepped by turning up at the restaurant the other night, and she knows it.”

That was right. She’d turned up with the intention of flirting with Aidan as some kind of revenge against Rhys.

“I can’t believe she said she’d go after your friend.”

“Me neither. I knew she could be spiteful, but I didn’t imagine she’d try something like that.”

“Did Aidan say anything? Did she try to flirt with him?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. I left not long after you did. She can do what she wants, though. I really don’t care anymore.”

He frowned, and I felt bad for him. “It’s probably just going to take a little while for her to accept how things are. I’m sure she’ll realise going after Aidan is a bad idea once she has time to really think about it.”

“Maybe,” Rhys said, but he didn’t sound so sure.

A short silence fell before I said, “Anyway, I better get back. I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

“Very kind of you, but there was no need. I can handle Stephanie. You don’t have to worry about me in that regard. Also, if she tries making things difficult for you, I need you to come tell me, and I’ll sort it, okay? I’m not having you dealing with the fallout of my relationship.” I nodded, and he paused, eyes on mine when he continued, “And you don’t need to keep our history together a secret from anyone. I’m proud of the time we had. To be honest, to this day, it was the best summer of my life.”

My heart pounded, cheeks heating at his words as emotion sprang forth. “Mine, too,” I whispered softly. “It feels like everything just got worse after that summer.”

Our gazes held, tension filling the room. It was too much. When I finally looked away, I noticed a photo on the shelf behind his desk. I hadn’t seen it the first time I was in there, probably because I’d been too distracted by my panic attack. I was far calmer now, and I couldn’t believe I’d missed it.

“Oh my goodness, is that a photo ofus?” I asked, stepping around his desk to get a better look.



“Oh my goodness, is that a photo ofus?”

My back stiffened as Charli stepped around my desk and approached the shelves. That bloody photo. When Derek had given it to me a few months ago, I’d stared at it and felt a sudden unexplainable lightness. There was a certain contentment in knowing the picture was there behind me while I worked.