Page 3 of Quiet Longing

Next, we went into the kitchen. Again, it was spacious and modern, with a giant island and what appeared to be a door leading into a pantry. Before Nuala could continue the tour, a woman emerged from the pantry. She had blonde highlighted hair and wore cream khakis paired with a flower print silk blouse. My Aunt Josephine.

“Charlotte! Look how you’ve grown. I hardly believed it when Nuala showed me the picture you sent. You’re even more gorgeous in the flesh.”

I knew she was being overly complimentary, but I didn’t correct her that I was feeling far from gorgeous. Instead, I offered a polite, “Thanks so much. And you can call me Charli.”

“Of course. We’re so happy to have you for the summer. Nuala’s been a hyper one ever since she heard you were coming.”

“Hey! Don’t let Charli know how uncool I am, Mother,” Nuala complained, and Josephine laughed.

“Thanks for inviting me, Aunt Josephine. This is my first trip overseas, so I’ve been kind of hyper about the whole thing, too.”

“It’s our pleasure, and if I’m calling you Charli, then you must call me Jo. You’re family. Come, let me show you where you’ll be staying.”

She led me upstairs, Nuala hot on our heels. I heard jovial voices coming from a room as we passed. The door was ajar, and I caught a quick glimpse of a group of guys hanging out playing pool. Was that a rec room?

“You can say hello to the boys later if you’d like. I bet you’re dying to rest and wash up first,” Aunt Jo said as she opened the door to a guest bedroom.

“Definitely,” I replied while she showed me around.

“The en suite is just through there. Make yourself at home and give a call if you need anything. Come on, Nuala. Let’s let Charli have some privacy. I’m sure she’s exhausted.”

Nuala looked disappointed to be escorted out, but she didn’t protest. That girl was too cute. I was glad she was still as friendly and outgoing as I remembered.

I sat down on the bed, taking it all in. Then I looked out the window and gasped. I had a sea view! This was amazing. I stood and went to peer out. The beach looked to be only a short walk from the house. Then I went to the other window, which looked out over the expansive rear garden. At home, Mom and me had a tiny little garden where we sometimes tried to get plants to grow and mostly failed. This garden looked like it had been designed by a professional landscaper, with neatly divided rows of flowers and perfectly trimmed grass, punctuated by a large, deep red Japanese Maple and several smaller trees of varying shades.

A part of me wanted to go down and check out the garden immediately, maybe sit on the grass beneath the maple, close myeyes, and breathe in the new air. Did the air in other countries always feel this different? Or was I imagining it?

Unfortunately, it was getting late, so I knew I should probably wait until the morning to check out the garden and beach. Besides, I still had to meet my other cousins, though I was a little more intimidated to see Tristan and Derek than I had been to see Nuala.

There was a knock on my door, and I went to open it, frowning when I found no one there. Then I glanced down and saw my suitcase.Thanks, Stephen!I wheeled it into the room and left it by the closet. Tomorrow was for unpacking. What I really needed was a shower.

I went into the en suite and stripped off. There was one of those fancy waterfall showers, and it was pure bliss when I stepped under the spray. I felt all the hours of travelling wash away as I stood there, enjoying the simple pleasure of warm, steamy water.

When I was done, I dried off and changed into the leggings and spare sweater I’d packed in my travel bag. Mom insisted I bring a spare set of clothing, plus socks and underwear, just in case my luggage got lost.

Speaking of Mom, I needed to call and let her know I’d landed. Dialling her number, the phone rang only twice before she picked up. It was almost nine Irish time but still early evening back home.

“Charli, is that you? Did you arrive safely?” she asked, a note of tension in her voice. She’d been stressed about me travelling alone, and it had taken much convincing to get her to agree to let me go on the trip in the first place.

“It’s me. And yes, I’ve arrived safely,” I replied, my tone reassuring. “Nuala picked me up at the airport. We just got to the house a little bit ago. Aunt Jo was home and showed me to my room. I still haven’t seen Uncle Padraig or the boys yet.”

“How did Jo look? Was she nice to you?” I could just imagine her fretfully worrying her lip.

“She looked great, and yes, she was perfectly nice and welcoming. I have my own room and everything. The house is huge.”

“Yes, well, don’t go getting used to the fancy lifestyle. The summer will be over before you know it, and you’ll be back to slumming it with your boring old mother again.”

“You’re not boring, and you’re notthatold,” I said with a hint of teasing.

She let out a small laugh, some of her tension fading. “Haha! Okay, well, go get some rest, and give me another call in the morning. And don’t forget to send me some pictures when you get a chance.”

“I will! Love you, Mom.”

“Love you, too, honey.”

We hung up, and I collapsed back on the bed, closing my eyes. Nine was an okay time to fall asleep, right? Mom said to try not to sleep until it was dark out to avoid jet lag. I knew it was still early, but my body was crying out for rest.

I reached out and turned off the lamp then lay my head on the pillow that was the perfect mix of soft and firm and smelled like clean laundry. Even if I had to work part-time, I had a feeling this summer was going to be amazing. I’d never stayed anywhere so luxurious.