Page 17 of Quiet Longing

He stared at me, again seeing I was holding something back. “Rhys?” he asked, and my expression must’ve wavered because his eyes widened. “Oh, fuck, you like Rhys? That’s a plot twist.”

“I don’tlike himlike him,” I hastily explained. “I just think he’s nice. I enjoy his company and general vibe.”

“Uh huh. Well, now, I have to do something I never imagined I’d do and warnyouto keep away from my friend.”

“What?! Why?”

Derek’s expression sobered as he glanced out towards the water. “Rhys is my best friend. He’s not like Aidan or Theo. A girl like you, all you’d have to do is give him some attention, and you’d have his heart on a platter. He’s the best person I know, loyal to a fault. He doesn’t need you batting your eyelashes at him, making him fall for you, and then flitting away back to America when the summer ends. You’ll fuck him up, and the lad already has enough on his plate.”

I was certain my expression displayed my annoyance. Though I admired Derek’s protectiveness over his friend, I didn’t appreciate being cast as some femme fatale who’d stomp all over poor, innocent Rhys’ heart. I was a decent person, and I cared about other people’s feelings. I would never intentionally toy with a boy’s emotions.

I placed my hands on hips as I responded, “First of all, I would never do something like that to anyone. Second of all, I only said I enjoyed his company, I didn’t say I wanted to turn up at his door wearing a trench coat with nothing on underneath—"

“Well, thank fuck. You’d end the poor lad if you did that. He’s never even had a girlfriend.”

I blinked at this piece of information, filing it away for later, before I continued, “And third of all, what do you mean he already has enough on his plate?”

Derek frowned, not answering me right away, then said, “I don’t know exactly. Rhys doesn’t talk much about his home life, but I suspect his family struggles for money. His dad’s a bit of a prick and kicks him out of the house for the smallest of offences. I sometimes fear it could be even worse than that, but as I said, he doesn’t talk about it.”

As I listened, I remembered Rhys in the car not answering that call from his father. My stomach did a funny little twist. I hoped Derek wasn’t right about things being worse than just his dad being a general asshole.

“If it were worse, wouldn’t he tell you? I mean, I tell my best friends everything.”

Derek dragged a hand across his face. “Maybe. Maybe not. Not everyone’s an open book, Charli.”

I nodded, my mind on Rhys. I felt uneasy. The idea of him having a turbulent home life was upsetting to me.

“You surprise me,” Derek said then, breaking me from my thoughts.

I glanced at him. “I do?”

“I would’ve sworn a good looking bastard like Aidan might’ve turned your head, but you saw right through him. Most girls we hang out with are too dumb to see Rhys is the best of us, but you spotted it right away. Maybe you are as smart as you say.”

“So, the girls you’re friends with don’t ever flirt or show an interest in Rhys?” I asked, finding it hard to believe. He was so handsome, not to mention freakingtall. Sure, he was a few pounds overweight, but I was kind of into it. Not surprising since I’d spent several years with a giant crush on James Gandolfini.

“Nah, they’re too blinded by Aidan’s money and charm.” He paused to smile. “You know, I’d almost encourage you to go after Rhys just to see the look on Aidan’s face. He hates not being everybody’s first choice.”

“Yeah, well, he wouldn’t even be my tenth, so let him swallow that bitter pill,” I said with a wry chuckle. “And just so you know, I have no plans to go after Rhys, but I’d still like to hang out with him. You have my word I won’t break his heart or screw him over. I’m not that kind of person.”

Derek cast me a sad look though he seemed sad for Rhys rather than for me. “Just because you don’t intend to break someone’s heart, doesn’t mean you won’t. You can’t control the level of feelings another person has for you, Charli.”

Just ahead, I spotted the others setting up camp on a section of sand. Derek didn’t say anything else as he went to join them, but his parting words stayed with me. My eyes went to Rhys. Unlike the other boys, who were all going shirtless, he kept his T-shirt on as he sat on a towel next to Nuala. Maybe Derek was right. I couldn’t control what someone else felt for me, and I shouldn’t start anything with Rhys, especially not if he was dealing with a troubled home life. The last thing I wanted to do was cause a kind, sweet guy like him any pain on top of whatever he might already be going through.

A simple friendship seemed like the best course of action.

“Hey, mind if I set up here,” I asked, motioning to a spot next to Nuala.

“Of course, babe,” she replied, smiling as she slid her sunglasses into place and glanced out at all the people swimmingin the water. The tide was out, so you had to walk a good distance from the sand to reach the sea. “What are we thinking? To swim or not to swim?” Nuala asked, tapping her lips.

“You’re at the beach. Of course, you’re swimming,” Tristan replied like it went without saying.

“Well, I nominate myself to stay put and watch over everyone’s belongings,” I said. “My mom told me about the jelly fish here. I don’t plan on getting stung.”

“Don’t so be boring, Charli. You’re on vacation,” Tristan cajoled, putting on a faux American accent, and I narrowed my eyes at him. Maybe I deserved it after all the times I’d teased Mom by mimicking how she spoke. Although growing up with her was good preparation for spending time with my cousins because I was used to hearing Irish turns of phrase around the house. My friends Lydia and Gwyn used to tease me when we were kids for sometimes calling cookies “biscuits,” or referring to hair ties as “bobbins.”

“Everyone has their own interpretation of vacation. Lazing on the sand and avoiding jelly fish is mine.”

He waved me off. “Pfft, whatever. Charli can play mother and mind our stuff, then. The rest of us kids are going swimming, and I won’t hear any objections.”