My smile darkened. “Oh yeah?”
“Yep,” she nodded, a flirtatious sparkle in her eyes as she unwrapped the sandwich and brought it to my mouth. Not dropping her gaze, I took a hungry bite, chewing and swallowingwhile she took her own bite then offered it to me again. That was how it went, Charli in my lap passing the sandwich between us until we started on the other half, making short work of the lot of it.
When her eyes lowered to her appearance, she gave a shocked gasp like she’d just become aware of her state of undress. Hastily, she scrambled to her feet, and I missed her instantly.
“I’ve completely lost track of time. I need to get back.”
“You’ve a couple minutes before lunch is over,” I reassured. “Take your time.”
Her eyes flicked to the bathroom door. “Mind if I clean up a little in there?”
“Go ahead.”
She disappeared inside, and I took a moment to calm my racing pulse. Blood pumped through my veins, exhilarated and satisfied to have made Charli come. I already wanted to do it again and again. Not a good sign.
When she emerged, she shot me a shy smile, her outfit back to rights. You’d never guess what we’d just been doing.
“I’ll stop by your office at six, and we’ll drive out to Malahide together,” I said, standing and going to press a light kiss to her forehead.
“Right. It’s Friday already. The weeks just fly by,” she said, going up on her tiptoes to return my forehead kiss with one to my chin. “See you later, Rhys.”
With that, she left, and I was glad that the rest of the day was less eventful than the first half. On the drive that evening, it was all I could do not to reach across and slide my hand up Charli’s thigh. I managed to refrain. Just about.
It was a quiet, reflective drive, spent mostly in companionable silence. When we arrived at Jo and Padraig’s house, I noticed Nuala, Derek, and Tristan’s cars were alreadyparked outside. I pressed my hand to Charli’s lower back as she dug in her bag for her key, unable to keep from touching her. Her eyes flicked to mine, and heat rose in her cheeks. I wondered if she was thinking about what had happened in my office at lunch because I certainly couldn’t get it out of my head.
“Charli, you’re home!” Jo exclaimed. “Oh, and Rhys is with you. Hello, darling.”
“Jo,” I said with a nod. “You look great as always. Did you get your hair done?”
“Just a trim, but thanks for noticing,” she replied, giving her ‘do a little fluff. “Anyway, I wasn’t in the mood to cook today so Padraig’s bringing home Indian food. I hope you both like spice.” She smiled, her eyes moving from me to Charli, a weirdly knowing smile on her lips like she’d been told a secret.
“What’s up with her?” I asked quietly as I bent to speak in Charli’s ear.
She shot me a mildly apologetic look. “Nuala let slip about us being a thing when we were teenagers.”
“Ah, that explains it.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Course not. It’s hardly a secret.”
“Okay, good. That’s a relief. Well, I’m just going to change into something more comfortable.”
I nodded, my eyes drifting to her perfectly plump arse as she went upstairs. Jo reappeared, catching me in the act, and the knowing smile returned.
“What?” I asked, eyebrows narrowing.
Jo gave a pleased little shrug. “You and my niece spending time together. I just like it, is all.”
Oh, she was going to be insufferable with this new knowledge, I could tell. Oddly, though, I couldn’t find it in myself to be annoyed. I was still flying high off the fact that I’dmade Charli come, and I was intent on doing it again before the night was through.
It wasn’t until after we’d consumed our weight in poppadoms, mint chutney, and lamb madras that I found myself alone with her in the kitchen. Charli had nominated herself to clean up, and I’d volunteered to help. Nuala, Derek, and Tristan had all gone home, and Padraig and Jo were putting their feet up in the living room, watching a movie.
“Today was a good day,” Charli said, smiling at me as she put some plates in the cupboard.
“Agreed,” I answered back, drying off the final glass and setting the dishcloth aside before I reached out and laced my fingers through hers. “But it’s not over yet.”
“It isn’t?” she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity as I led her into the pantry and pulled her body flush with mine to gaze down at her.