“I don’t know. The three of us are just very into this soup. The slurping sounds are cracking me up.”
Nuala chuckled in response. “You’re right. We’re like a couple of aul’ ones in here having our soup when we could be back out there partying.”
“Nah, this is better,” Rhys said, and I shot him a smile.
“I agree,” Nuala concurred with a grin.
“Well, what do we have here?” came a voice, and I glanced up to find the guy from last night, Aidan, entering the kitchen. His dark auburn hair looked freshly styled, and he wore a slate grey shirt that brought out the deep brown of his eyes. He was an attractive guy, but he didn’t really do it for me. Maybe it was because he seemed fully aware of how good looking he was.
“We’re having chili soup from the hotel,” Nuala told him as he eyed our bowls. “Want some?”
“Hmm, maybe a small taste,” he said, surprising me when he slid in next to me and grabbed the spoon from my almostfinished bowl before bringing it to his mouth. My eyebrows shot all the way up into my forehead as I stared at him.
“Oh, it’s good,” he said, going in for a second spoonful.
“Um, I’d planned to finish that,” I said, vaguely annoyed.
“Don’t worry, Moretti. I’m not contagious.” How did he know my last name already? One of the brothers must’ve mentioned it.
“Right, butImight be,” I shot back. “You just used my spoon, dude. Gross.”
Aidan patted his chest. “I’ve got the constitution of an ox. I’ll be fine.”
“Not the stamina, though,” Nuala countered with a grin. “Well, at least that’s what I heard from Laura Pembridge.”
Aidan feigned outrage. “That’s defamation of character! I’m calling my lawyer.”
Nuala chuckled. “Don’t be so hasty. I’ve heard Laura is a compulsive liar.”
“Yes, she is,” Aidan exclaimed before turning to me. “She’s a liar, Moretti. Do you hear me? A dirty little liar. Don’t let her sully your view of me. I can go for days,days, I tell you.”
“That’s far too long,” Rhys commented dryly, surprising a laugh out of me.
“Right?” I said, grinning at him. His eyes met mine, and I got a little lost again. He really was handsome. I felt like putting him in a lumberjack shirt and encouraging him to grow a beard. That look would suit him perfectly.
Aidan glanced between us then let out a beleaguered sigh. “Well, I have to say, this is all very fucking boring. The Balfes have thrown you a party, and you’re out here hiding away.”
“I’m not a party girl, sorry,” I said, wondering where Rhys was going when he rose from his stool. He walked to the drawer where the utensils were kept and grabbed a clean spoon thenreturned to the counter before handing it to me. I took it from him, touched by the gesture.
“Thanks,” I murmured quietly, and Rhys nodded before sitting back down.
Aidan watched the exchange, and I resumed finishing my soup, this time with a fresh spoon thanks to Rhys. Aidan cocked his head and folded his arms, his attention still on me. “If you aren’t a party girl, then what kind of girl are you?”
“Fuck’s sake, quit creeping on her,” Rhys said, sounding annoyed, and my cheeks grew hot at the way he intervened.
“I’m not creeping on her. I heard Derek loud and clear last night. I’m just trying to make conversation and get to know our new friend.” Aidan flashed me the sort of grin I suspected had most girls melting and doing whatever he asked of them. It was a good thing I was made of sterner stuff.
“What do you mean, you heard Derek loud and clear?” I asked, frowning.
They’d been talking about me?
Aidan blew out a sigh. “Just that you’re here to spend the summer with Nuala and we’re all to keep our dirty mitts off you. Not thatthatwas my intention. You’re not my type.”
“Sure, she’s not,” I thought I heard Rhys mutter under his breath, but I was too busy staring at Aidan.
“Derek can be protective,” Nuala explained. “He tells all the guys the same thing about me, but I’m fine with it because none of them are my type, either.” She gave a shrug.
“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t come here to get laid,” I said, a little grumpy about Derek’s interference. I mean, if I wanted to have a fling with an Irish guy, that was my choice.