Page 9 of Dining for Love

Willa and Goldie spot us simultaneously, the smile dropping from Willa’s face as she freezes in place. Goldie grabs her hand to drag them across the street, making Willa stumble and flail to catch her footing. Goldie beams, throwing us a broad smile as they near.

“Officers Reid and Ox! What a pleasure.”

“Good to see you, Goldie. Willa.”

Goldie beams. Willa looks as though she’d prefer to crawl under a rock. “Afternoon, ladies.” I tip my lukewarm coffee at them.

“You should really get a travel mug,” Goldie says. “Come by the diner, and I’ll gift you one of ours. It would be my pleasure.”

I don’t miss the barely disguised interest that Goldie’s throwing my way, and as pretty and outgoing as she is, she might as well be invisible next to her sister. “Thanks. Maybe I’ll do that. How are you, Willa?”

She blinks at me, surprised. “What?”

I smile, deliberately popping my dimples because I’ve seen how it flusters her. “I said, how are you?”

“Oh.” She pushes her bangs out of her eyes and meets my gaze for a millisecond. With her dark hair and pale skin, her sky-blue eyes are startling. They’re made even brighter by the blush that blooms on her cheeks as she fidgets. “Fine. Yep. I’m fine.”

Goldie threads her arm through Willa’s, giving her aconcerned look before turning her attention back to me. “You know, tomorrow’s the First Friday Art Walk, Officer Reid. Do you like art?”

I tear my gaze away from Willa, who seems resolute in her mission not to meet my eyes. “Sure. I like art.” I know nothing about art.

“You should come,” Goldie purrs.

Ox coughs. Willa’s cheeks blaze. And then I’m hit with what might honestly be the best idea of my life. YOLO and all that. “How about I take you ladies to the Art Walk?”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful!” Goldie enthuses, showing perfect white teeth.

“No,” Willa practically shouts. “We…can’t. That’s…No.”

Beside me, Ox swivels his head between all of us like it’s some kind of three-way tennis match, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s enjoying this immensely.

I double down. “Why not? I should get to know the town more, and we’re neighbors. It’s a good plan.”

“It’s agreatplan,” Goldie corrects. “Seven o’clock?” When I nod, she says, “Perfect. We’re looking forward to it, aren’t we, Willa?”

Willa’s not having it, and I almost want to take it all back at how uncomfortable she looks. “Not really,” she mutters.

Goldie drags her away, mumbling something about sister wives.

Ox practically vibrates with laughter, and when they’re finally out of earshot, he lets loose. “Oh, man, that was amazing,” he says, wiping a tear from his eyes. “I can’t wait to see this tomorrow. But Reid?”


“You have no idea what you’re playing with. Goldie’s a force.”

Goldie isn’t who I’m interested in. Not by a long shot. Besides, this is a short-term thing. What’s the harm in a little fun?

Chapter 5


I’M GOING TO kill my sister.

And my mother.

And Tom and Jerry.

Even Agatha, who I thought might actually be on my side with this whole ridiculous mess.