Page 92 of Dining for Love

“Officer Thompson and two others have Mom, Dad, and Goldie tied up at the diner. I think it’s got something to do with Reid.” It’s remarkable how calm I sound, given the way the phone is shaking in my hands.

Ox curses. “Where’s Reid?”

“I don’t know. They might—” I can’t say the words.They might have him, too.

The sounds of a car door shutting and engine starting come through the speaker. “Get away from there. I’m two minutes from you.”

Yeah, that’s not happening, but I at least stay near the front with my eyes and ears peeled. When Ox arrives, I hiss at him from my hiding spot and he frowns, approaching me and pulling his gun out.

“Get out of here, Willa!”

I shake my head. “No.”

He sighs as he scans the area. “How many are back there?”

“Three, from what I can tell. At least two have guns.” I hold back a sob. “I’m scared, Ox.”

“I know. I need you to leave, Willa. This is dangerous.” He doesn’t bother waiting for me to answer, instead peeking around thecorner of the building before pressing his body against the brick and taking off.

I know I should leave. Obviously. And seeing Ox only made me shake even more, but I’ll be damned if I’m going anywhere. The old Willa might have listened to Ox, but the new one? No way. That’s my family in there.

Tom’s old jalopy of a car pulls up to the front, and he and Jerry get out, utterly ignoring my frantic attempts to wave them away. “Tom! Jerry!” I hiss. “Over here!”

But Jerry’s on a mission, stalking to the door with his hands on his hips, peering at the sign like it’s been written by aliens. After a moment, he huffs and twists away to yell at Tom, sputtering, “Says they’re closed due to plumbing issues!”

“What?” Tom hobbles forward.

Jerry raises his voice. “I said, they’re closed due to plumbing issues!” He curses when he finally spots me, pointing and yelling even louder. “Why didn’t you call me? I’m the damn plumber!” He turns and bangs on the door. “Dean! Barbara! Open up!”

They’re going to get us all killed. “Jerry!” I hiss again, gesturing for him to join me on the side of the building. “Get over here! Bring Tom!”

Ox stalks back from where he’d disappeared. “Get out of here!” he whisper-shouts.

Ignoring him, Tom whacks Jerry on the arm and points back inside. “Someone’s in there. Who is it? Did they get a new plumber?”

Jerry whips toward the door and looks in, cupping his hands around his eyes. “They wouldnever! Uh-oh.”

My heart sinks as the door opens and the diner creep emerges, gun pointed right at Jerry as he backs him up. “Can I help you?” the creep growls.

Ox steps into view. “Stop! Police!”

Creepy dude looks toward Ox, and it’s just enough time forJerry, brave idiot that he is, to knock the gun out of the guy’s hand. The guy takes off and Ox gives chase.

Further proving their idiocy, Tom and Jerry run inside.

I hear another set of screams from Mom and Goldie, and that’s it. I run in after Tom and Jerry, only for them to skid to a stop in front of me.

“Move!” I shove them aside just in time to see Reid come barreling in from the back door.

“Freeze!” he yells.

The second guy, scary as all get out, sneers and points his gun at Reid. “I was wondering when you’d show up. Thought I might have to shoot someone.”

“Drop your weapon,” Reid says, his attention completely focused on the man.

He shrugs. “I don’t think so. You see, the big boss is awfully pissed at you. Got the whole network looking for you. Said the first man to bring you down would get a hefty payday as thanks. So that’s what we’re doing here.”

Reid scoffs. “Looks like a bunch of amateurs playing at being bad guys, if you ask me.”