“A demon,” Darnell spat, clenching his big fists. “Bastards, every last one of ’em!”
George nodded, her eyes narrowing. “Yep. Because she never made it to the afterlife, Ralph defaulted to ghost, but her psychopomp is as strong as your charms, and her true nature couldn’t stay hidden in the shadows for long—even if she wasn’t flying the plane with both engines, she still managed to go full throttle. She met her calling head on. But that’s the reason she grew so weak after crossing someone. Not for any of the reasons we thought, but because Ralph’s stuck between two planes. Earth and the afterlife. It’s dimmed her power as a psychopomp.”
Dex nodded. “Ralph’s weak after a crossing because she’s not fully transitioned, but it has nothing to do with Michael. Though I’m sure the demon who made promises to him wants him to believe that’ll be his reward—that and eternal life. I’m sure the demon explained in great detail all the perks of being a psychopomp. In reality, the demon merely needs Michael to get hold of Ralph so he can drag her to Hell and steal her powers for himself. He’ll discard Michael somewhere in Hell like so much trash when he’s done with him. But Ralph is the ultimate prize.”
“So this demon…” Shamus said, clenching his jaw to keep from punching a wall. “He made a bullshit deal with this kid Michael to give him all of Ralph’s powers, which would allow him earthly privileges if he’d help him nab Ralph? Because dragging a psychopomp to Hell is a major score.”
“Exactly,” Dex said. “So this kid’s sprit has been roaming around aimlessly while he looked for Ralph, with the promise of eternal life when he handed her over. The demon can’t give him Ralph’s powers, Shamus. That’s a complete lie, but he’s just a kid who doesn’t know any better. A meth-addicted kid who needs a fix, and will continue to need a fix because the demon’s kept him in a state of flux, and he’ll believe anything if the end goal is more meth.”
Fuck. Fuck and more fuck.
Yanking his hat off, Shamus ran his hands through his hair, his chest tight with worry, his mind racing. “So what the hell do we do?”
George put her hand on Shamus’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “We’re going to go get her. Someone up there’s trying to locate Titus with a 9-1-1, but Dex and I think we can handle this if he doesn’t show.”
Shamus’s eyes searched hers. “How? How do you even know where she is? One minute we were getting up to come see you two, the next, she was gone.”
George snapped her fingers, making wings appear out of nowhere. Magnificent, glorious, almost painfully beautiful wings.
My God, the afterlife was indescribable.
She pointed to her wings as they almost hummed, like a butterfly resting on a flower. Their opalescent feathers shimmering. “My wings will help locate her. Don’t worry about that part. We think we can find her. But we also have a plan.”
Marty and Wanda had remained silent for most of their conversation, holding each other’s hands, their expressions fierce. “Tell us what you need. We’re all in,” Wanda assured, to the tune of Marty’s head nodding firmly.
“Whatever the fuck it is, you know I’m in, Wings. Hit me with what you need me to do.”
Dex smiled. “As if there was ever any doubt.”
Nina grinned at him, wrapping her arm around his neck and ruffling his hair with her knuckles.
“So what’s next?” Marty asked, rolling up the sleeves of her bulky sweater, her eyes that of a warrior.
George winked. “First, we need Darnell to find out who the demon is, making all these false promises to Michael. And then we need the big guy to plug up a hole. You up for that, my friend?”
Darnell grinned. “Nothin’ would make me happier.”
As they quickly hashed out Darnell’s next move, Shamus noticed he wasn’t included in rescuing Ralph. “What about me? I’m not just going to wait here while you guys do all the dirty work.”
“What the fuck are you gonna do? Stab ’em with your pointy ears? Shoot ’em with your gamma ray gun?” Nina quipped.
Wanda pressed her fingers against Nina’s mouth with a frown. “Can it, Vampire, and use those listening ears for good.”
No, he didn’t have super-strength or speed. He couldn’t disappear, not without ending up halfway across the continent (phew, had that been wild), but he’d come to accept that years ago. As a paranormal, his skills were limited—but no way was he staying here and waiting this out.
He held up a hand. “It’s okay, Wanda. I’m used to it, and I came to a place of acceptance long ago. No harm, no foul. But I’m still not staying here while you guys do all the work.”
Dex slapped him on the back. “Then gather ’round, kiddies, and let’s get the show on the road.”
Shamus listened intently at how they’d approach getting to Ralph, the entire time his heart pounding, his throat tightening.
He wanted her to have the afterlife she so richly deserved for being the amazing human being she was, and he really wanted to be a part of that life.
He really did.