She. Knew.
Yet, she had a question or two, and seeing as no one was available to help her, she’d ask someone who was there right now.
She placed a hand on Drucinda’s arm. “I don’t understand the afterlife yet. I’m new, so forgive me when I ask, how do you know Kat will go first to the same place you are right now?”
“We all go to a waiting room of sorts when we first pass, unless you’re pure evil. You’re dispersed to your afterlife from there. Your guide has to take you, though. When you choose to go is up to you. You can remain in limbo forever, but rumor has it, that’s nowhere near as wonderful as it is when you step into the light.”
Which meant they should have known she’d been due to arrive, too, right? Why didn’t she go to the waiting room instead of Nina’s castle?
“Then why was I left here, on this plane? Why didn’t I go to this waiting room?” she murmured.
Drucinda cocked her head. “You know, I wondered that, too. We’re all aware when someone new is arriving, but I never saw you. None of us did.”
Ralph dismissed the rest of her questions for now. Right now was about Kat and Drucinda. “Cancer,” she murmured. The words of Kat’s diagnosis popped into her head without warning. “Lung cancer?”
Drucinda’s bark of a scoff held anguish. “Yes. Damn cigarettes. Back in the seventies, it’s just what we did to stay thin, curb our appetites. Among other unsavory recreational things. Though, never Kat. Smoking was her diehard limit.” Then she gave Ralph an odd look. “How did you know?”
Ralph frowned. “I don’t know. I don’t know much of anything about what’s happening to me, but what I do I know? I know without a shadow of a doubt, you loved her and Kat loved you and I’m here to help—both of you.”
The promise frightened her, but that voice, speaking to her from somewhere far away, told her she could help.
Letting go of her grip on Drucinda, Ralph sat on the edge of Kat’s bed, taking her hand and holding it against her chest. She didn’t question why she could hold the model’s hand, she was simply grateful it was possible. She didn’t know what to say or what exactly to do, she was acting on instinct alone.
Leaning forward, she softly whispered, “Kat, wherever you are, my name is Raphaela and I’m here to help you. Can you hear me?”
Almost instantly, Kat’s famous hazel eyes opened, staring straight at Ralph, clear and bright, before she closed them again. She nodded and squeezed her hand.
Licking her suddenly very dry lips, Ralph stroked Kat’s hand, praying for the words to come, and when they did, she smiled and nodded with the knowledge she was saying exactly the right thing, and Kat would hear her.
“Hi, Kat. Are you comfortable? In any pain? Squeeze my hand if you are.”
When she lay still, Ralph continued. “Drucinda’s here, too, Kat. Just as she promised, she’s been waiting for you.”
Drucinda lay on the bed next to Kat, putting her arms around her, enveloping her in a translucent embrace. “I love you, Kat. I love you more than ever before.”
I love you…so very much…
Kat didn’t speak the words, but Ralph heard them, and so did Drucinda.
Ralph’s eyes filled with tears but the words continued to flow, words she didn’t even know she should speak, but they felt right.
“It’s time, Kat. It’s time to go somewhere more beautiful than you can ever imagine, and I’m going to take you there.”
Hurt…I hurt so much. Can you make it stop? Please, please make it stop…
“Where you’re going, pain doesn’t exist, only the beautiful, wonderful things you gave to everyone in life. I promise, nothing will hurt anymore. Will you come with me, Kat? Come with me to this magnificent place waiting for you?”
Drucinda…she groaned in Ralph’s head. Where has she gone?
Ralph stroked her hair, smoothing the marks lining her furrowed brow. “She’s there, Kat. She’s waiting, just like she promised. Please, come with me, won’t you?”
Quite suddenly, she smiled, leaning into Drucinda’s hand with a deep sigh as though she knew her lover was there.
Ice cream…
Drucinda chuckled as tears continued to stream freely down her face. “She adored ice cream. She denied herself for years because she has a will of iron, but she always joked she hoped they had ice cream in Heaven.” Turning to Kat, she pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. “Chocolate ice cream, right, darling? No frills, just the chocolate, three scoops, please.”
Kat smiled wider then, her lips sweeping upward, beautiful and happy.