A stab of anger speared her at the carelessness of some people.

Ralph, too, knelt beside the small dog, the impact of the blow it had suffered traveling to her own body the moment she placed her hand on its warm fur.

Instantly, she grimaced, clenching her teeth to stave off the pain as Marty shot upward and took off, running down the street at the speed of light.

“You’d better hope I don’t catch you, motherfucker! I’m gonna rip your damn throat out!” she hollered as she became a blur, her legs racing so fast the movement almost didn’t look real.

But Ralph couldn’t focus on Marty’s superpowers; her eyes were on the small furbaby, who was in a great deal of pain. It whimpered, opening its soulful brown eyes, looking right at her as though begging for help.

“Oh!” She cried out, falling forward, placing a hand on her side as a stabbing pain sliced through her.

Wanda reached for her, her hand disappearing through Ralph’s arm like tendrils of smoke. “Ralph, honey, what’s happening? Are you okay? How can I help?”

But she shook her head, the need, this weirdly intense need almost making her physically ill, twisted her into a knot.

“I have to help her!” Somehow, she knew the dog was female, and she had to help.

Placing her hands on the dog again, Ralph realized she actually felt its fur beneath her fingertips, springy and soft.

She sat back as though she’d been burned. How was that possible? She understood Shamus’s touch was due to his paranormal abilities, but when she’d tried to pet Blanche, she hadn’t felt a thing.

Yet, her fingertips felt every inch of this darling girl’s traumatized body.

Fix it, a voice urgently whispered in her head, insistent and nagging. Hurry, before it’s too late. We don’t have all day!

Jamming a finger in her ear, she looked around to see where the voice had come from.

What the…was the voice going to miss its flight if she didn’t hurry?

Put your listening ears on. It’s time, Raphaela!

How many times had she said that to her students?

You said it a lot. Follow your own instructions, lady!

“But…how?” she murmured, stroking the dog, cupping the muzzle that burrowed into her hand.

Shamus was suddenly beside her, his hand on her shoulder. “Can you tell me what’s happening, Ralph?” he asked, concern rife in his tone.

She shook her head. She didn’t know. She only knew she had to fix it. She must fix it. Leaning forward, she scooped the tiny dog into her arms, pulling her close, and began to rock her, despite the searing pain in her side.

Yes. That’s it. Fix it.

The dog weakly lifted her head, whimpering. Ralph held her closer, forgetting her own pain and focusing on the tiny furbaby’s face. “Sweet girl, hang on. Please. It’s not time yet. It’s not time yet…”

As crazy as those words sounded to her ears, as crazy as they felt coming from her lips, she knew they were the right words.

She. Knew.

It was obvious the dog was suffering. Somehow, she knew this tiny dog saw the Rainbow Bridge. Suddenly, Ralph had a clear vision of…

She gasped. There really was a Rainbow Bridge!

Her chest went tight at how beautiful the sight was…

Yet, Ralph knew what she said was true. It wasn’t time for her to go.

But why?