“Master Ransom, how good of you to come on such short notice. Please do have some tea. It will help warm you after braving such a cold winter’s day.”

Shamus nodded his thanks, and then he cocked his head in Archibald’s direction. “Troll?”

Archibald straightened, brushing at his flawlessly perfect suit with a mischievous smile. “Was it the blue hair that gave it away, sir?”

Shamus barked a laugh, scooping up Waffles to settle him on his lap, wheelchair and all. “Dead giveaway, my friend.” Then he tapped his ears, lifting the edge of his cap to reveal their pointy tips. “My ears usually do it for me.”

“An elf!” Archibald chirped. “How splendid!”

Shamus held up a hand and seesawed it. “Half and half. My father was human, which explains my size. My mother is elf.”

Wait. He was an elf? Ralph was still getting past his pointy ears and the fact that Arch was a troll. But this big hunk of a man was an elf?

The weird went on and on around here, didn’t it?

Said the alleged ghost…

How had all of this existed right under every human’s nose, and no one had noticed? How did they fly so low under the radar? They were out here living their lives, loud and proud like no one watching would care.

Arch nodded, clicking his heels together. “I, like so many things ’round these parts, am an accident. Originally a vampire turned human, recently turned troll.”

Shamus grinned. “Bet you have some stories to tell, huh?”

Archibald howled a laugh. “If you only knew the half of it, Master Ransom. As for now, I shall leave you to figure out what’s happening in Mistress Nina’s humble abode. Do enjoy some tea and a fresh cupcake as you discuss.” He winked, and then he was gone.

As Shamus stroked Waffles’s back, he looked at the women. “So you think you have a ghost?”

“What else could it fucking be? I can’t see it, but it’s paranormal. I can smell that it’s frickin’ paranormal. It’s the obvious conclusion. Either way, I know I have something. I’m betting it’s a GD ghost,” Nina assured him. She went on to explain what happened with the cupcake and the scent she declared was off, to which Marty and Wanda agreed with a nod.

“Anything else? Strange noises? Hot spots? Cold spots? Doors opening and closing? Messages on a mirror written in condensation?”

Ralph frowned. Damn. She hadn’t tried a message on a mirror, but she did have boundaries, and seeing strangers in the buff was one of them. Especially when one of them was a very beastly vampire’s husband.

Nina rolled her tongue along the inside of her cheek. “Nope. Just the cupcake thing and the smell. That smell cinched it. There’s a presence here, and I want it fucking gone.”

Shamus pursed his luscious lips. “You sure there were no other signs? Lights dimming? Things floating in the air?”

She had done jumping jacks, for goodness sake. Give a girl some credit.

Nina stabbed a finger in the air. “We did have some lights flickering, but my buddy came over and found a fuse was on its way out. So, nope.”

Ralph snorted in disgust. Feck it all, she’d done that!

Shamus nodded, clapping his hands on his muscular thighs. “Then I doubt I can be of much help.” Setting Waffles on the floor, he gave her one last stroke to her rounded head and rose from the couch.

“Wait a fucking minute!” Nina bellowed, hopping up from her place on a wingback chair, her slender body quick. “What kind of bullshit is that? Aren’t you gonna break out your ghost detector or light up some sage and smoke whatever the fuck it is out? You didn’t do shit but show up!”

“Nina!” Marty admonished with a frown. “Don’t be so stinkin’ rude.”

But Shamus only smiled, walking toward the very vase she hid behind. “Maybe it’s something you cooked that’s lingering, or maybe you have mice? You do live in a castle. Probably gets damp from time to time, right? Castles are a great place for mice to make their nests. Maybe it’s mice feces?”

Nina drove her hands inside the pocket of her hoodie, her gorgeous face angry. “Mice shit? Seriously? Maybe you’re full of shit and a waste of my fucking time. I can’t believe George recommended your lame ass. Wait till I get my hands on her heavenly ass. I’m gonna pluck her damn wings off!”

But Shamus didn’t appear at all upset by Nina’s tirade. Rather, he remained steady and calm as he reached into his shirt pocket, located under his brown leather jacket.

“Aw, c’mon, Nina. Don’t take it out on George,” he drawled amicably. “It’s not her fault you probably don’t have a ghost…” Shamus paused for a moment. “Or do you?”

Out of nowhere, he yanked something from his pocket and threw it right in her direction. Whatever it was, it got in her eyes and hair—a grainy substance that stung a little and made her choke.