Page 59 of When He Protects


The bastard in front of him was supposed to be the best tracker there was. Tracker, killer.

“I’ll get rid of him.” A cold smile curved the hunter’s lips. “Then bring her to you alive. When you’re done with her, I’ll kill her right in front of you.” A pause. “And I’ll betaking that big seven-million-dollar payday while her blood is still warm.”

“Nice visual,” Jorlan muttered.You won’t be taking any money. Because I’ll kill you as soon as I have Esme.He extended his hand. “Do we have a deal?”

The gloved hand closed around his. “Absolutely.”

He walked into hell.Fire raged. Smoke billowed around him. Screams seemed to echo, but were those real screams or the sounds of the old building as it groaned and shifted around him?

“We have to get out!”A cry from his friend. “Place is gonna collapse!”

It was. They had to go.


He saw her arm. Saw her. Trapped beneath what appeared to be half a freaking wall. His heart raced as he ran to her. He heaved and shoved and got her free. Her head fell back, like a flower on a broken stem.

So much smoke. Ash? Hard to see. He scooped her into his arms even as his friend roared for him to flee. The screams weren’t from the survivors—it was the building screaming. Falling down around them. He held the woman tighter in his arms. They burst out just as the remainder of the café seemed to collapse behind them. Tyler stumbled forward, and he held tightly to the woman in his arms.

Her long hair fanned around her as he hurtled toward the pavement. So much blood. It covered her face. Trickled from her ears. And…

Her white shirt was covered in red.

She wasn’t moving. Was far too still. Her eyes wereclosed, and no breath came from her pale lips. “Help!” Tyler roared.

Ambulance sirens wailed.

“Help!” Tyler staggered back to his feet. He lumbered toward the ambulance. “Victim!”

“Alive or dead?” A fast retort from the man in uniform.

“Alive.”She had to be alive.

The EMT took her. Shook his head. “No, she’s dead.”

“No! No, put her in the fucking ambulance—she’s alive!”

But the EMT lowered her to the pavement. He shook his head again. “Can’t you see her?”

He could. She was all he could see. The blood on her face. In her hair. He should have seen it sooner. It was Esme. His Esme.

“She’s already dead. You just don’t know it.”


“Already dead?—”


Chapter Thirteen

“I’m right here.”

Tyler jerked. His eyes flew open. His head turned.

The lamp was still on. It fell onto Esme as she stared worriedly back at him. “You called out my name.”