Ronan had also not realized that Tyler had been briefly knocked out after he’d fired his shots—he hadn’t known about Tyler’s concussion. He’d thought Tyler would leap right up to help Clay.
Ronan’s apologies had seemed genuine.
Tyler had punched him in response. Twice.
Then they’d gone for drinks. Men could be such asses sometimes.
And, other times, they could be amazing. She admired her ring. She had missed that ring.
But back to what Tyler was saying. The very important things he was saying.
“I think your father may even semi-like me,” Tyler told her.
Her father did semi-like him. The father who was not the villain she’d feared.Like father, like daughter.Their appearances had been designed to deceive.
“I will be a good husband to you, I swear it. I’ll work on my morning mood. I’ll try not to be an asshole first thing in the day.”
Her hand—with the ruby ring in place—pressed to his cheek.
“I’ll try to be a man good enough for you,” he told her with his eyes all serious as if he could ever be anything but good in her mind. “And I will work to prove, everysingle day, that you are the most important person in my life.”
“You are too good for me.” When would he get that?
“No.” An instant denial. “Esme, you are myeverything.”
Sometimes, she couldn’t quite believe it. This man loved her. She could see the love when he looked at her. Feel it when he touched her. They’d endured so much, and now, they had the chance to truly be happy.
Clay had survived his surgery. He hadn’t been behind the bombing in Paris. Instead, Thaddeus had been the culprit there. Clayhadset the bomb at the safe house, though. The Feds were in talks with him, as he was being held behind bars. Some sort of deal would probably be made with him, though she didn’t know what yet. Shedidknow that Tyler and Kane were not in a forgiving mood when it came to the sheriff. Not that she blamed them one bit.
“So, Esme, will you date me? Then, when you’re ready, will you marry me?”
She thought they could skip ahead to the important part. “I’m ready right now.”
His eyes widened. He also rose to his feet. Towered over her. “Now?”
“I’ve been half in love with you since Paris. And I am completely and irrevocably in love with you now. You are the man I want. When I think of my future, you’re what I see. Only you, Tyler.”
“I will make you happy,” he vowed.
“I already am.”
His hand curled under her chin. He leaned in slowly. His lips feathered over hers.
The door flew open. “I’ve got the last reports. Thiscase is closed and you can—seriously? In my office?”Grayson’s voice rose a very high notch. “Get a room, man.”
Tyler lifted his head. His smile warmed her heart. “We’re gonna get a marriage license.”
“What?” Grayson’s shock was clear. “Is this another mission? You two going undercover?”
“No, it’s not a mission. It’s for real.”
“Forever,” Esme affirmed.
“Feel like coming to my wedding?” Tyler asked Grayson.
Grayson hurried across the room and slapped a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “Hell, yes, hell, yes!”
“You’re sure about him?”Her father stood with Esme before the closed church doors. She could hear the music playing from inside. But they didn’t enter, not yet. “If you’re not sure, we can leave right now.”