“Don’t talk that way about the woman I love. No one calls her names, ever.”
Her eyes went very wide. “You didn’t say that.”
“Yes, sweetheart, I did.” He pulled away from her and grabbed the key to the motorcycle. Then he shoved the key into her hand. She’d tucked the gun into the front of her jeans.Please know how to use that gun, Esme.His fingers closed around hers as he forced her to grip the motorcycle key.
“No, I mean…you didn’t say that now.Now, as in, when you’re telling me to leave you. When some dirty FBI guy is outside. You can’t do this to menow.You can’t say you love me now.”
He wanted to kiss her. But if he kissed her again, he wouldn’t stop. And she had to get to safety. “I’ll tell you again later,” he promised. “First, get the hell out of here.”
She did not move.
“I won’t leave you to face the wolves on your own.”
“I am the wolf, baby. I’ll take care of the danger and then come right after you.”
“How will you find me?” Then, instantly, “No, not happening. I will not leave you.”
The motel room door shook as a hard fist slammed into its surface. “I know you’re in there!”Thaddeus called.
They were running out of time. “Esme,go.That’s an order. Get the hell out of here. Thaddeus did not come alone. He’ll have backup appearing soon. I will keep them distracted.Go.”
“Is this truly what you think of me? That I’ll just save my own ass and leave you to fight alone?”
Tyler didn’t answer. He did pick her up and carry her into the bathroom. “I am the wolf,” he said again. Then he hauled the broken door shut and went off to face the Fed at the door.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Tyler swung openthe motel room door. He was highly conscious of the gun nestled against his lower back. “Thaddeus Caldwell. To what do I owe this unexpected surprise?”Other than the fact that you are probably here to kill me, you conniving sonofabitch.
Thaddeus glanced over his shoulder, then he peered back at Tyler. “You’re compromised.”
Clearly. He had a dirty Fed standing in front of him. “How did you find me?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
Oh, but it did.
“What matters is that we need to get you and Esme Laurent out of here, now.” He stood on his toes and strained to see over Tyler. “Get her and let’s go.”
Yeah, no. “How did you find me?”
“Gray, all right? He told me your location.”
Impossible. Seeing as how Gray didn’t know the location. But Tyler nodded. “I see.”
“You and Esme trusted the wrong people.”
“I’m not sure Esme trusts anyone.”Except me.Hewould always go to great lengths to guard her trust. No way would he ever allow Esme to lose faith in him.
“You were sold out, Tyler. I’m here to transport you. It’s a major favor I’m doing for her father.” Sweat dotted Thaddeus’s brow. “She’s told you about him, hasn’t she? You got her secrets? You know that her father is the real mastermind?”
“She’s told me her secrets.” He still stood in the doorway. Esme should be gone by now. Right?Be gone, Esme.
“Let me inside,” Thaddeus urged him. “I can’t be spotted. And FYI, that jerk at the front desk was too eager to give up your room number. Fifty bucks was all it took.”
Was it really? Tyler stepped back. A wave of his hand directed the other man inside. When Thaddeus crossed the threshold, Tyler closed the door after him. Then Tyler put his back to that door and watched Thaddeus.