“Violet called for me. She wanted me to help her.” He swallowed. “She’d found her friend in the trunk of the car. Simone had stab wounds all over her body. Violet wanted me to help, but I knew there wasn’t anything I could do. The woman was dead even as her pulse kept struggling to beat.”
“And all I could think was…if I hadn’t taken Violet out of the trunk that night, it could have been her. If I hadn’t broken through the glass of the service station in time…” He had cuts all over his fisted hands and up his forearms. “It could have been her. I was the one who put her in danger by allowing her to go out and meet Simone. I could have stopped her.”
“Oh, yeah? How?”
“Handcuffed her to my bed, if necessary.”
“Really?” Beau shook his head. “You just went after her brother for leaving her in a closet. I’m supposed to buy that you’d handcuff her and walk away? Try bullshitting someone else. She blinks those golden eyes and you do whatever she wants. And if that whatever includes taking her to hunt a killer? Well, I guess we both know what you already did.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck yourself.” Beau didn’t miss a beat. “You’re out of control because you’re scared. I’ll mark the date on my calendar because this shit doesn’t happen often. It’s like a special holiday. The mighty Royal has fallen. Turns out, he’s just a mere mortal like the rest of us.”
“Is this supposed to be helping me? Are you helping right now?”
“Yeah, I am helping you.” Beau rocked forward onto the balls of his feet. “I’m telling you what you are too blind to see.”
“And just what would that be?” Royal fired right back. “Enlighten me. Share the big news.”
“Fine. You are in love with this woman. Absolutely insanely in love with her.”
Royal backed up a step. “You take that shit back.”
“Because it’s a lie?” Beau sent him a reckless smile. “Say it. Tell me that you don’t love her. Tell me that I’m wrong.”
Royal opened his mouth.
And Violet opened the door.
Chapter Nineteen
Violet poked her head inside the study. Her tousled hair slid over her shoulder. “I wanted to check on you.” Her golden eyes swept over both Beau and Royal. “You two good?”
Hell, no, he was not good. But Royal pasted a smile on his face. “Be right out, sweetheart.”
She nodded.
“Has that prick brother of yours apologized yet?” Royal heard himself ask.
She bit her lip. “You…you seriously punched him because of something we did when we were kids? Because he locked me in a closet during a game of hide and seek?”
“Because that’s normal,” Beau murmured. “Totally normal response to a long-ago situation.”
Royal cut him a disgusted glance. Then he focused on what mattered. Violet. “He shouldn’t have scared you.” And I shouldn’t have put you at risk. I should have handcuffed you to the bed. There’s where I’d like for you to be right now.
Handcuffed. To my bed.
“You can’t go around attacking my brother.” She shook her head. “You do stuff like that, and Christmas will be extremely awkward for everyone.” Violet turned around and closed the door softly behind her.
Beau whistled. “Oh, yeah. Sure. You’re not hopelessly and completely in love with her. Totally. Not you. Because it’s ever so normal to punch and throat-grab a guy because of hide and seek?”
“She was scared,” he bit off.
“You’re scared now. Scared that you’re going to lose her. Scared that she won’t accept you and all those twisted pieces you think you have inside yourself. News flash, Royal. You’re not some psychopathic predator. Maybe start using those skills of yours for good. Work with the Ice Breakers. Bring closure to victims. Help people. You can have a normal life. Have friggin’ Christmas with her.” He slapped a hand around Royal’s shoulder. “Be happy. Stop thinking you aren’t good enough.”