Page 96 of Brutal Ice

He said something else, but she didn’t hear the words because a man had just rushed toward her.

“Violet!” he yelled her name even as he grabbed for her. Hard. One of his hands closed around her arm and he pulled her?—

Royal drove his fist into the guy’s face. A fast hit that sent the other man crashing to the ground.

“You don’t touch her!” Royal thundered.


The cameras got everything. The reporters greedily recorded the scene.

The man on the ground groaned. He lifted his head and rubbed his jaw. “Violet?” Dawson croaked.

Yep, her brother Dawson. In that frantic flash—with all of the other bodies around them—she hadn’t gotten a look at his face when he grabbed her.

“Violet, what the hell?” Dawson demanded. He pushed to his feet and took a step toward her.

Then he was blocked by the wall that was Royal.

“Royal!” She curled her hand around his shoulder. “That’s my brother!”

“Yeah, I know who the hell he is.”

He knew? Had he known before or after he’d slugged Dawson?

“Let him come in the house,” she said. Her gaze darted around to the reporters. Madness. Chaos. “We can talk there.”

“Violet! Violet!” A woman shoved close. “Is it true that you were having an affair with Micah Wright?”

“What?” Her head whipped toward the reporter. “No, absolutely not!”

“Violet is involved with me,” Royal said flatly. “No one else.” Then his arm was curling around her again. “House,” he breathed into her ear. “Now.”

“Did you attack Micah Wright in a jealous rage?” The shouted question came from another reporter.

What was this? She’d explained everything to them all last night! “Royal saved me. He stopped a killer from slicing me apart.” She glared at the reporters. “Get your story straight.”

Then she and Royal were on Royal’s property.

The reporters stayed back, she’d give them that much. Royal ushered her into the house. His arm remained around her as they went straight to the den.

As promised by Kai, Beau was waiting. Sprawled on the couch, he raised one brow. “Well, well, seems you have attracted quite the crowd.” A whistle. “Love the orange, Royal. Definitely your color.”

Royal grunted. He dropped his hold on Violet and darted his gaze over her. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“Liar,” he breathed.


“Violet!” Dawson rushed into the den, with Kai right behind him. “What the hell is happening?” He beelined toward her with blood dripping from his lower lip and with his hands outstretched. He swiped out at her in a fast grab.

And Royal’s hand flew out to curl right around Dawson’s throat. Two steps, and Royal had her brother pinned against the nearest wall.

“Royal!” Beau shot off the couch.

Violet lunged for Royal. She curled her hand around his arm. “What are you doing? That is my brother!”