“Hell, yes.”
“You’re not a criminal.” She wanted to focus on this. She needed to know that her hero wasn’t someone terrible. She didn’t want to be lusting after a monster.
His head cocked. “If I’m not a criminal, what am I?”
“You’re…a businessman. Rich. You have money to burn. Thus, the wasted ten grand on a dance with me.” He was dressed in a tux that looked as if it had been created just for him. The coat hugged his broad shoulders. Fit perfectly along his powerful chest. She’d felt his power when they danced. Remembered the strength of his body as he’d carried her through the night.
“No one has money to burn. That’s just a jackass investment.”
“And spending the money to dance with me wasn’t an, uh, jackass investment?”
His gaze swept over her. “It was money well spent.”
Her arms wrapped around her body as a cold chill seemed to sweep over her.
“Nope.” Immediate. “Can’t have that.” Royal shouldered out of his tux coat and put it around her shoulders. The coat wrapped her in his warmth and scent.
Her head tipped back as she stared up at him. “Why couldn’t I tell the cops about you?” Their bodies were brushing.
“Because I have unfinished business. The cops would have gotten in my way.” His hand rose. Skimmed over her cheek. “I did not expect you.”
She could see that. “Most people don’t expect to find a woman in a trunk.”
Soft laughter. “How do you do that?”
His hand still pressed to her cheek. Was she tilting her cheek into his touch? Dammit, she was. “Do what?” Breathless.
“I don’t laugh easily. I don’t…smile so quickly. Not usually. Not and actually mean it, anyway. But I feel differently with you.”
He was going to kiss her. Her lips parted.
And he stepped back. Again. “Move back into your brother’s house until I tell you that things are safe.”
“The cops said I should be fine. There are additional security measures in place at the theater. More security guards have been hired. The cast members always walk out in groups. I actually have a guard who walks with me every night, per Micah’s orders. I also got a top-of-the-line security system installed at my rental house. I am safe.”
“No.” Very definite. “You are not. The illusion of safety won’t protect you if he comes for you again. You shouldn’t be alone.”
“I can’t hide forever. That’s not a way to live.”
“At least you would be living.”
Great. Now her knees were about to start knocking together. “You kick me out of your car at a police station?—”
“I dropped you off?—”
“You ghost me for two weeks?—”
“I was keeping a low profile and keeping watch on you. I couldn’t suddenly pop into your life. I needed a way for us to be introduced that wouldn’t arouse suspicion from the cops.”
Her brows beetled. “Buying the dance was your entrance into my life? I hate to tell you, but it’s not subtle.”
“No, it’s not. But every single person in that ballroom tonight will leave knowing that I couldn’t take my eyes off you. They’ll think I’m some love-sick—lust-sick—fool who will do anything to possess you.”
All of the moisture had dried from her mouth.
“If you won’t go back to your brother’s place, then I’ll have no choice but to move in close to you. I will need a cover in order to do that.”
That’s what the dance was about? Him creating a cover to be in my life?