Page 12 of Brutal Ice

“Were you watching me?” Violet’s voice rose a little too much.

“Protecting you,” he corrected. “Seems I developed a taste for it.” And to think, he’d once mocked his brother for doing something very similar once upon a not too long-ago time. Oh, but if Beau found out about Royal’s current situation…

The asshole would never let me hear the end of things. For a variety of reasons.

For now, he was keeping secrets from his brother. Better for them both that way. And, since they were on the subject of brothers… “You should return to your brother’s place,” Royal told Violet. “Go back and stay with Dawson. It’s not wise for you to be alone.”

The band slowly trailed away as the music ended. The crowd applauded. Violet glanced around the ballroom and offered a shaky smile to everyone.

Micah motioned toward her. She took a step in his direction.

“Nope, I want you with me.” Royal kept one hand on her wrist and with the other, he pushed open the balcony door.

She peered down at his hand, then back up at him. “Bossy, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely. I’m Arrogant. Demanding. Vengeful. Obsessive. I could go on about my bad qualities for days.” He shrugged. “Can’t say you weren’t warned.”

“Are you trying to warn me away from you?” Her head cocked. The earrings caught the light and threw it back at him. A glimmer in the darkness of her hair. Not completely black hair, though. He could see red highlights hidden in that darkness.

“Maybe I am,” he heard himself say.

“Then why come to see me in the first place? Why pay for the dance?”

“Because I think the killer is going to come after you again. The cops don’t need to be blowing smoke and saying it’s some obsessed fan.” The words were low. Meant only for her. “You have to be on your guard. Always.”

Violet swallowed. “You’re scaring me.”

“Good. Then my brilliant plan is working.”

“Violet!” Micah called.

Royal spared him an annoyed glance. The other man was rushing across the dance floor and torpedoing straight toward them. “Tell him to fuck off,” he advised.

“That’s my boss. I can’t say that to him!”

“Your boss wants to fuck you. Guy has a reputation for fucking all his leading ladies.” Royal had been doing some digging on the people in Violet’s world.

“I’m not interested in fucking him.” Prim.

Fucking prim and adorable. “Stop it,” Royal told her as his gaze flew back to her.

“Stop what?” Violet’s brows arched. “Are you having an episode right now? Is there someone you need me to call?”

“You’re being damn cute. You shouldn’t do that with me.”

“Uh, okay.” She backed up a step. “Definitely an episode.”

“Violet!” Micah was almost on top of them.

He did not have the patience to deal with that prick. “Come with me onto the balcony. I want to talk with you. Without eyes on us and ears straining to hear every word we say.”

She bit her lip.

And Micah was there. “Violet.” He reached out toward her. “Violet, there are other donors you need to?—”

Royal stepped into his path. “Ten thousand dollars is buying me ten more minutes.” It had better. Royal gave the man a hard grin. “Violet and I have a little more talking to do. Privately. You’ll excuse us?” And Royal thought that was the nicest way he’d ever said fuck off to someone before. Violet wouldn’t know it, but he’d just showed pretty insane restraint.

Micah blinked. “What?” He blinked three times in fast succession. “You…you didn’t buy Violet. I mean, not time with her. You have to?—”