Kai grabbed Violet’s hand and hauled her forward. He tucked her into the back of the limo even as she looked back and saw Royal lean in close to the stranger.
What is happening?
“I’m not dealing with bullshit,” Royal told the stranger, completely aware that his voice had gone low and lethal.
Sweat trickled down the man’s cheek. “I-I was sent by your family.”
Royal laughed. “Do you know how many of my family members have reached out to me in the last few days?” He knew others would pick up his words, and he didn’t care. “Not in the mood for the scam today. Go try your luck somewhere else.”
But nothing. Royal strode away.
“My employer isn’t the kind of person you tell no.”
What the hell was that? A threat? Laughter spilled from Royal as he whirled back to face the older man. “No,” he said clearly. “You can quote me on that to your employer.” Then he climbed into the limo. Kai slammed the door behind him.
Chapter Twenty-One
Royal’s hands fisted at his sides. He sat on the leather seat and stared straight ahead at the woman he did consider part of his family. Only he hadn’t gotten around to actually telling her that fact. Mostly because he didn’t know how, and he was very, very worried he’d screw things to hell and back when he tried.
Hey, Violet, so…Beau was right about me. I’m an idiot who completely loves you. Any chance you want to give me a shot at convincing you to stay with me? Always?
When she’d been standing on that stage, when he’d realized she was saying goodbye to the show, he’d understood that there would be another town for her. Another production. She’d only been in Savannah for a temporary period. She’d hit the road again. It was only a matter of time.
And what was he supposed to do then?
The screen between the front and rear of the limo lowered. “Those jokers just won’t leave you alone, will they?” Kai sounded disgusted. “Knew you’d been getting phone calls and texts since your story went national. Some people have no damn shame.”
“I’m not buying the lies about my long-lost family.” He wasn’t some green idiot. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Good.” Kai had driven them away from the theater. “Don’t know what’s worse. The reporters or the people suddenly pretending to be family. I got your back, know it. I’ll make sure the creep in the gray suit doesn’t get close again.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Know it,” Kai repeated. The screen rose back into place.
Royal looked over at Violet. So beautiful. Staring at her took his breath away. She wore red again. An oversized, red blouse that seemed to be made of silk. It fell lightly over her shoulders. It reminded him of the dress she’d worn the first time they’d danced.
“Where are we headed?” Violet asked.
“Punishment.” He cleared his throat. “Got a few things I need to take care of there.” Some files that he had to make sure remained hidden. The cops hadn’t come to search his home or businesses yet, but it paid to be careful. “Don’t you want to ask me some questions?”
“Do you have something you want to tell me?” Her hands were on her lap. She wore faded blue jeans. Black flats on her feet.
He swallowed. “Kai made sure the limo was clear. No listening devices.”
“Uh, is that something we have to worry about? Listening devices being stashed in one of your rides?”
Unfortunately, yes. “Some of the Feds want to lock me up for murder.”
She just waited.
“Will Kelly.” Saying the name had his mouth tightening with distaste. “He was a bastard who got off on hurting young girls. Hurting them. Killing them.”
She nodded. “He’s someone you hunted and left for the cops to find?”
Okay. This part was going to be hard. And he almost didn’t want to look into her eyes as he revealed the truth. Almost? Hell. He might have traded part of his soul not to tell her this. But if he was going to ask her to stay with him, then she had to know everything. “He’s a man I killed.”