She flinched.
“Survivor’s guilt.” He nodded. “Completely natural. It’s okay to feel that guilt. It’s okay to feel angry. To feel vengeful. It’s okay to want to scream and cry and rage at the world.” He didn’t move any closer to her. “I can be your safe space. You need to talk with someone.”
“Micah told me to go and see you.” He’d even given her the doctor’s card. Violet was pretty sure she’d lost it.
He winced. “Well, I can get where that would hardly be a ringing endorsement for me.”
She crossed her arms over her chest.
“If you would prefer to talk with someone else, I have the names of several colleagues I could recommend for you,” Leo offered. “There are some wonderful counselors in the area. I just—I truly want to help. I’ve been a long supporter of the arts here in Savannah.” And this time, his gaze darted to the theater seats. Or rather, to the boxed seats in the right corner. “My late wife loved the show. We always had season tickets. Coming here still reminds me of her.”
His late wife? “I’m sorry for your loss.”
His stare lingered on the box. “Grief hits us all in different ways. Sometimes, we think we’re in control.” His green gaze slid back to her. “But then the pain will sneak up on us at the oddest times. It’s impossible to be strong every moment.” His lips curled down. “You don’t have to face the darkness alone.”
“She’s not alone.” Royal’s strong voice. He came from stage left, emerging from the shadow of the red curtains there, and Violet wondered just how long he had been watching and listening.
The wooden stage creaked lightly beneath his steps as he crossed to them.
Leo’s eyes widened. “Royal Boudreaux. The hero of the hour.” He extended his hand to Royal. “I’ve seen the news stories on you.”
“Don’t like that title at all.” Royal stared at the offered hand, then slowly took it. “I didn’t do anything. Violet saved herself. She’s the one who stabbed the asshole.”
“Well, from what I saw Violet tell the media, she views you as quite the hero. I’m Dr. Leo Barnes, by the way. Don’t think our paths have crossed before.”
“Violet knows exactly what I am. And what I’m not.” He released Leo’s hand and his attention shifted to Violet. “Kai put the stuff from your dressing room in the car. We’re ready whenever you are.”
Right. She’d asked for a few moments so she could just say goodbye to the stage. No, not the stage. To Simone. To the life Violet had known before. Was that weird? Did it even matter if it was?
“Take as long as you need, sweetheart,” Royal added. “There’s no rush.”
He’d been at her side for the last few days. Watching. Worrying. But the threat had passed. She was safe. She knew he couldn’t stay by her side all the time. He had his businesses. His life.
She had hers.
They hadn’t talked about the future yet. What would the future look like? He’d offered her protection, but she didn’t need that any longer.
I still need him, though. Violet thought that she just might always need him.
“I was offering my services to Violet,” Leo explained when the silence stretched a little too long. “I’m a psychiatrist. I’m helping to counsel some of the other cast members. Thought Violet might need someone to talk with.”
“She’s got me,” Royal returned, voice flat.
Leo laughed softly. “I’m sure she does. But a significant other can’t always provide the assistance that a trained psychiatrist can. When nightmares come, when the flashbacks won’t stop, Violet might like to speak with someone who has professional expertise.”
The nightmares still come. Last night, she’d woken up screaming. Convinced that she was in the trunk of the sedan once again.
“Surely, you would permit Violet to seek the help she needs?”
“I don’t permit Violet do to anything. She does whatever the hell she wants. Always. I’m just there to make sure no one hurts her while she’s doing what makes her happy.”
“That’s an excellent response,” Leo praised. “So good to have a supportive partner.”
Royal grunted. “I’ve seen your face before.”
Violet caught the flash of surprise in the doctor’s eyes.
“Excuse me?” Then Leo smiled again. “Well, I have been trying to help the other?—”