Page 104 of Brutal Ice

“What’s happening?” Violet asked. Her eyes were wide as she immediately moved to Royal’s side.

Curran surveyed the group. His attention lingered a bit on Dawson. “The brother, I presume? You have her eyes. A little darker.”

“What’s happening?” Dawson echoed Violet.

Beau didn’t ask questions. He just waited.

“An arrest has been made,” Curran told them. “Came here personally to share the news that Micah Wright is being charged with Simone Wilmont’s murder.”

“What made you change your mind?” Royal asked.

“Never said my mind needed changing. But there were procedures to follow. We recovered a knife in the field about fifty yards from the gas station. Turns out, that bloody knife matches a set in Micah’s home. Appears the bastard took his butcher knife from home to carve up Simone.”

Violet sucked in a sharp breath.

“More circumstantial evidence has piled up against him, material I am not at liberty to discuss just yet. However, I believe you might find it interesting to know that Micah briefly dated Fiona Law last year. She left him and told her friends he was too controlling.” His hands remained loose at his sides even as his attention shifted back to Royal. “But something tells me you already knew about his connection to Fiona, didn’t you?”

Yeah, he might know about that. “If you and your new Fed friend keep digging, you’ll see he frequently traveled to Atlanta. Did a lot of work with the ballet there.” No emotion entered Royal’s voice. He made sure of that fact. “You might even discover that he often visited the restaurant where Marcella White served as assistant manager.”

Violet’s shoulder bumped into his arm.

“And just when were you going to share that intel with me?” Curran burst out. He stepped even closer to Royal. “Or were you not going to share? This part of your vigilante BS? You were closing in for the kill?”

“I believe that Micah is still breathing, thanks to you, detective. As to when I was going to share intel, you’re the detective. Thought you’d have intel of your own. Or at least, I would have thought your Fed buddy would.” He smiled and knew the sight would hold no humor. “The news about Micah’s visits to the restaurant just came to me a few hours ago. Someone I knew in Atlanta saw the news story about Simone’s murder. Micah’s picture—and my own—have been flashed everywhere as a result of that story. This person thought I might find the connection… pertinent.”

“Yeah, it’s real pertinent, all right. That person got a name? Because I’ll be wanting to follow up.”

“I’ll be sure and send you all the contact information.” He waited a beat. “Is Micah still in the hospital or has he been transferred to a holding cell?”

Curran shook his head. “Not telling you where he is right now. Just wanted you to know that he was being charged.” He waved toward Violet. “It’s over. You are safe now. You can go back to the life you had.” His expression hardened. “I would really recommend that you go back to that life.”

He means a life before me.

“Apparently, that life involved working right beside a sadistic killer,” Violet returned in her cool, quiet voice. “So I think I’ll try something different in the future.” She did not move from Royal’s side.

“Ah, excuse me.” Dawson barreled forward. “Why won’t you tell us where he is? If this guy is after my sister, I damn well would like to know if he’s in some hospital bed with minimum security or if he’s locked in a cell. I really, really want his ass locked away.”

“I’m not saying for Micah’s safety.”

“For his safety?” Dawson’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “You kidding me?”

Curran returned his dark stare to Royal. “No, I’m not kidding you. He’ll get a real judge and jury to decide his fate. I don’t want him dead before arraignment.” An incline of his head. “We’ll be talking soon, Royal.”

“Can’t wait, buddy.”

Curran left. Royal shut and bolted the door behind him. Beau crept close to him. “Might want to secure everything in the house,” Beau murmured. A murmur meant for Royal alone. “In case any cops decide they do want to come back here with a warrant.”

Yeah, he’d be taking care of things.

“Need a hand with that?” Beau asked.

Royal gave a slight nod.

“On it.” Beau walked away, whistling as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

Some family members were absolutely priceless.

“What is happening?” Dawson seemed to practically vibrate. “Why is a cop acting like you’re a breath away from committing murder or something?” He stared at Royal as if Royal was…yeah, the monster.