Applause spilt the air.
Micah—one of those pretty boys with capped, perfect teeth—smiled. “Your fundraising efforts mean so much to our group. And, as the band strikes up the first dance, I want to personally thank the winner of our dance auction. This individual donated ten thousand dollars for the privilege of dancing with our star!”
More applause. Heads turned as speculation mounted about just who had dropped that ten grand.
Violet didn’t glance around, though. Her gaze seemed focused on the marble floor. Too delicate. Too afraid.
But she was still being paraded around in front of the gawking crowd. Royal didn’t like that shit, not at all.
“I’d like to thank Royal Boudreaux for the generous donation. Mr. Boudreaux?” Micah’s voice rose. “Are you ready for your dance? Mr. Boudreaux?”
Royal didn’t answer. Instead, he started walking forward. People instinctively got the fuck out of his way. They’d always done that. He smiled grimly at the onlookers. He’d made sure to wear the right tux so he’d blend with this crowd. No one staring at him now would ever guess he’d started life by being abandoned on the streets by his family. No one would guess he’d fought and clawed for survival in gang life. And no one would sure ever know…
That for fun, he hunted down serial killers and became their worst nightmares.
Violet wasn’t looking at him. She showed zero curiosity about her dance partner.
But Micah was looking. The man’s big smile dimmed a bit when he got a good view of Royal. “Uh, Mr. Boudreaux?”
Royal nodded. “That’d be me.” He stopped right in front of Violet. He extended his hand toward her.
Very, very slowly, her gaze began to drift over his body. Started at his feet. Her gaze darted up. Her head rose. Lifted as she looked at his legs. His chest. His neck.
His chin.
A light beard covered his jaw. It had been fourteen days, after all. So he wasn’t clean shaven like he’d been the night they met. He waited to see recognition in her eyes—those amazing, golden eyes. But there was no recognition.
Not so much as a flicker of emotion crossed her face.
“Thank you,” she whispered as her fingers curled around his.
Desire knifed through him.
“My pleasure,” he murmured.
Her body jolted. The eyes that had started to lower once more flew to meet his.
He smiled at her. For her. A real smile. “I believe the dance is mine.” And so are you.
Her tongue snaked over those lush, red lips, but before she could speak again, the band began to play. He pulled her against him, into his arms, and took her onto the dance floor while everyone else watched.
Every single eye was on them. And as for Violet…
“Sweetheart, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” Low words. Meant for her alone.
She stumbled.
He made a quick tut-tut with his tongue. “I expected more, especially from such an accomplished dancer as yourself. Shall I slow down? Will that help?” And he did. But just so he could pull her closer. Hold her tighter. He towered over her.
Be careful. She’s breakable.
“You…paid ten thousand dollars to dance with me?”
Dammit, her voice was too sexy. Husky and sensual and it stroked over him with way too much force. “A bargain, don’t you think?”
Her head shook. “I would have danced with you for free.”
He was the one who almost stumbled. “Hardly the way to raise money, now, is it?”