Page 38 of The Tryst

We all scoot closer to the fire, forming a tighter circle. Wade looks up, pondering before he says, “Okay, never have I ever… skipped school.”

Trey coughs into his mouth. “Bullshit.”

Wade grins. “Okay, yeah… I skipped school. Never have I ever… gone skydiving.”

Gabe tips his beer and Kat looks at him in surprise. “Really?”

“I’ve done lots of cool stuff, babe.”

I’m also taking a sip of beer and Wade’s eyes widen. “You went skydiving, Holland?”

I nod as I swallow. “Over the Swiss Alps. It was amazing.”

Glancing at Trey, I see a soft smile on his face, a clear indication he’s happy that I’ve had good memories.

Abby is next. “Never have I ever… gotten a tattoo.”

Kat rolls her eyes and sips her beer. “Lame, Sis. We all know you’re afraid of needles, which is weird considering you’re a veterinarian.”

“They gross me out on people,” she defends herself.

Gabe chuckles and takes a sip of his beer, surprising everyone again. “You have a tattoo?” Kat asks, eyes wide with curiosity.

“A small dragon,” he says, tapping her on the nose with his finger. “And frankly… I’m surprised you haven’t seen it yet given the fact you’ve—”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Trey exclaims, holding out both hands. “We don’t want to hear why Kat should have seen it.”

“Where is it?” Kat demands, her eyes narrowed. “I would have seen it.”

“You weren’t looking hard enough,” Gabe says, cutting a side eye at Trey with some degree of satisfaction before saying, “But I’ll let you explore next time we’re alone.”

“Just stop it,” Trey groans, tipping his own beer up as if to erase the thoughts and we all laugh. “All right, my turn. Never have I ever… kissed someone in this circle.”

It’s a gimme question, knowing that Gabe has to drink again, along with Kat. But Trey and I should be drinking too, yet neither of us are willing to admit that truth. I have to wonder if he’s pushing the boundary to see if I would, but I’m not about to open that can of worms and I hope the blush to my cheeks is well hidden by the firelight.

Kat snickers. “Nice one, Trey. Let’s see… never have I ever… gone skinny-dipping.”

Abby takes a sip, looking unashamed. “It was liberating. Everyone should try it at least once.”

Snickering, I give her a nod of respect before I ask, “Never have I ever… been in a fist fight.”

Wade and Trey exchange knowing glances and tap their bottles with a grin. “State fair,” Trey says, chuckling.

Wade nods. “Yeah, some jerk was mouthing off about our horses. Had to set him straight.”

Gabe looks around, thinking hard. “Okay, never have I ever… ridden a horse bareback.”

Pointed question knowing each of us will have to drink. “That’s a rite of passage around here, babe.” Kat pats Gabe on the stomach. “You’re going to have to get up on one at some point.”

“I’ll pass,” he says dryly. “It’s enough I’m out here camping with you heathens, having to piss in the woods and brave ticks.”

“Speaking of peeing,” I say, setting my beer down. “I’ve got to make a trip into the woods. Where’s the flashlight?”

“Right here,” Trey says, rising from his chair at the same time I do. “I’ll escort you.”

I almost exclaim a denial, afraid that any extra attention from Trey will reveal our secrets, but Kat starts hammering Gabeabout his tattoo, Wade and Abby egging her on. No one is paying us any attention, so I just nod. “Okay… thanks.”

Trey and I head off into the woods with my toilet paper, hand sanitizer and plastic baggy. The flashlight beams a narrow path through the trees, and I follow Trey closely, grateful for his company. While I love camping, I can freak myself out in some dark woods.