Page 18 of The Tryst

I’m jolted out of my memories to see Trey standing at the office entrance. I hadn’t even heard him open the door.

No one should look that good in jeans, work boots and a simple navy T-shirt. His dark hair is a wavy mess and his green eyes sparkle against his sooty lashes.

I hate myself for appreciating those things and it makes me ornery. “What?” I snap.

“Are you okay?” he asks, although I know that’s not what brought him in here.

“None of your business.” I glare at him. “What do you want?”

My churlish tone doesn’t put him off, and instead, he offers me a lazy smile. “You had some pretty deep thoughts going on there. What were you thinking about?” I feel the heat rise in my cheeks, burning so much that I know he can see it. His eyes glitter with interest. “Thinking about me? About that kiss we had last night?”

“Of course I wasn’t thinking about that.” That’s the truth. I was thinking about that time in the hayloft, but now I’m thinking about that kiss last night.

It was electric, just the way it used to be, and brought back all kinds of dizzying memories and feelings. The way he held me, the taste of his lips—it was like we hadn’t spent eleven years apart. A part of me wanted to give in and let myself fall back into his arms, but I couldn’t ignore the anger that’s been on a low simmer since we crossed paths again.

“There was nothing special about that kiss,” I say primly, leaning forward to turn on the computer.

Now that is an absolute untruth. I hate myself for kissing him back but God, it took all my willpower to pull away.

Trey looks amused by my denial, leaning a shoulder against the doorjamb and crossing his arms over his chest. “You were all in on that kiss. Deny it all you want, but it was special.”

I’m incensed over his confidence and beyond irritated that he’s getting a rise out of me. Yet I can’t help myself from flying out of my chair and taking two steps to come toe to toe with him. I poke him in the chest so hard he steps backward through the entryway. “You’re an arrogant, selfish bastard.”

His eyes narrow. “And you’re an ice princess with a tongue so sharp it could cut granite.”

I glare at him, my hands on my hips. “You’re so full of yourself, Trey. I bet you look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself how amazing you are.”

He rolls his eyes. “Oh please, Holland. You probably have a shrine dedicated to your accomplishments. Do you light candles to your diploma every night?”

“What?” I sputter, not even sure I understood what he said. “Are you like five years old? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

He snorts contemptuously. “Like your mirror insult was any good. It’s like you’ve got two brain cells and they’re both vying for third place. Please God… let one of them win.”

All the years of having put Trey Blackburn out of my mind seem to melt away and I’m left with the burning anger of betrayal and heartache. I shriek in frustration, “You’re an asshole. A conceited, hardhearted douchebag. You’re the one who hurt me and now you insult—”

Trey’s mouth slams down hard on mine, cutting off my rant. His hands tangle in my hair and I couldn’t pull away if I wanted to, he has me so thoroughly captured.

But I’m not sure I want to pull away because without any will of my own, I’m kissing him back. I fist his shirt, jerking him closer, and pour every bit of anger and near hate of this man into a punishing kiss that I’ll make certain he never forgets.

Trey groans, tilts his head and kisses me with an urgency that makes me think we’re near the end of times and this is all we’ll ever have. Our teeth clash, his tongue slides against mine and my head spins so hard, I get dizzy.

As abhorrent as it is, something ignites within me that I thought was long dead, and I give in to it. I’ve been alone for so long, shielding myself from any emotional entanglements that I’ve often felt empty inside. But despite the fact I detest this man and what he did to me, I’ve never felt more alive.

I try to pull him closer, but he abruptly breaks the kiss, looking down at me with fevered eyes. “We need to talk, Holland.”

I blink at him, not understanding. “Talk?”

“About the past, about how things ended. I need to apologize and explain—”

“No,” I snarl, trying to rip free of his hold, but his hands move to my shoulders, keeping me in place. I inhale deeply, trying to calm my racing heart. “I don’t want to talk about it. I want to forget it. Forget you and—”

He kisses me again and my thoughts are obliterated. The kiss is so consuming that I’m lost for air. His hands caress my back, stirring up so many sensitivities that I had buried deep within. Trey’s lips on mine feel like a balm to my wounded soul, offering comfort and familiarity in a world that had been devoid of it for so long. His hands move to my face to cup gently, as if holding something precious and fragile, and I realize that he’s treating our connection with care.

It’s his tenderness that has me rearing back again. I glare at him. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” he asks, his eyes roaming over my face.

“Don’t be nice. Don’t treat me like I’m fragile. Don’t touch me in a way that says you care.”