Page 3 of Ashton

“Have you heard anything from Mad?”

“Just that he’s at the music hall with Jinx. Maybe we can grab supper, drop by her place, and surprise her.”

“Okay. Where the hell did my asshole brother go?” I stare at him in disbelief.

He rolls his eyes at me. “Give up. I’m trying an alternative path, remember? Grab your shit. Let’s go.”

An alternative path, my ass. I will give him until tomorrow, and the dickness is back. He doesn’t have a nice bone in his body. He’s only lying to himself, and it’s not healthy. I don’t need him taking it out on Jinx when he does crack.

“You go back, and I’ll grab something to eat.”

He points at my painting. “Fix that piece of shit.”

Nah, I’m gonna frame it in the dorm room. I think it’ll be perfect there. Or better yet, a birthday gift.

Once Ace leaves, I clean up the art room. Being the last one here gives me some alone time, which is horrible for remembering the past. My brain doesn’t get the memo that we don’t want to remember certain past events.

Especially one college house party memory.

I need to get out of here before I fall into a black hole that I won’t be able to climb out of.

Chapter two


Things have been strange since Sunday. I wish I could put my finger on it, but it’s hard. Jinx hasn’t been talkative with us, and she’s been pushing us away. If she thinks space is what’s needed, she’s fuckin’ wrong. Jinx missed the last two days of school, blaming it on being a woman. I’m not an idiot, and I hauled her ass into music with me. I know she’s scared. Who wouldn’t be? Some weird stalker has found her every single time, and we can’t figure it out.

I’m watching her glare at Lula and this Piper chick. Honestly, they both give off some weird cult-like vibe. Why would they be chasing Von, of all professors? Theguy is old and wrinkly. I’m sure his dick can’t be that great. The thought of these two girls ruining any chance that Jinx had of getting out of this town breaks my heart, then again. I also signed up for the same thing—I’m no better.

“Baby, you need to ignore those two.”

“That would be ideal if only I could. How can I compete when they go to dick town every chance they get. I still don’t get how Piper is still here, and I told Dad about her days ago.” She grips her bow tighter.

I pluck it from her hand. “We are partners, and we can beat Lula together. Shooting them the death glare hasn’t worked, so let us try something else, yeah?”

I watch her breathe in, releasing a growl. “Fine.” Her green eyes turn to me. “Get your stupid guitar out and play for me.”

Okay, maybe the whole woman thing isn’t a complete lie. She’s acting all feral. Without arguing with her, I grab my guitar, giving it a quick tune. I know exactly what song to start playing. It’s the song that started everything for me.

Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana.I barely get a few chords played, and she smiles. She probably has no idea how much this song means to me; it pulled me out of some dark times.

“I’ll repeat it, Maddox. You play that guitar like you were born with it.”

“No, baby. You play like you were born with a cello. Now show those bitches where you belong.” I give her a wink before falling back into the music.

We fill the room with our music, drowning out any conversation. The only one that matters is her and only her. I watch as her body sways with the music. I’ll never tire of watching Jinx play, but playing with her will forever be my favorite. I’ve missed this more than I’ll ever admit out loud.

The memories of that night of my attack try to break into my head; no matter what I do, I can’t stifle those painful memories. Why did I have to be there that night? I could’ve practiced anywhere but the stupid music hall.

I did this to myself.

“Hey, are you all right?” Jinx’s small hand lands on my thigh. “Did you want to get out of here?”

“Sorry, I got a bit distracted.”

Her fingertips traced the edges of my scar. “Maddox.” She slowly brushes each finger across my lower lip.

I snatch her wrist, halting her movement. Taking her finger into my mouth and biting the tip, I watch her green eyes dilate. “We should get out of here.”