Page 98 of Knotted Laces

Set about doing what I’m best at.


And only work.

But I take the gummy worms with me.



I crackopen my beer and sigh, looking at the paused game on my TV and wondering when in the fuck I’ve become so pathetic.

I know, of course.

The moment I asked forspaceinstead of talked about my feelings.

But it’s easier to lament about the fact that I’m a professional hockey player losing himself in video games on a Saturday night than my idiocy.

Easier to berate myself for spending a Saturday morning and afternoon playing video games by myself, followed by that Saturdaynightsharing a pizza with…myself.

After spending a week holed up in my misery, knowing I’m being a whiny toddler and unable to take the steps to fix it.


And to make matters worse—or better, depending on which way my mood is swinging—Rome and King have lives, so they haven’t been on my ass, digging through the mess that’s my head, and though Huddy looked at me sideways yesterday at the gym—probably because I ignored Coach’s huffing and puffingand yell-the-house-down presence invading the weight room instead of engaging with it—he’s not the type to sit down for a gab fest.

He did invite me to grab a beer with him—which told me enough: I’m looking as pathetic as I feel—but the gym was all I could manage. The idea of sitting in public, making small talk (however limited that would be with the taciturn Huddy) and watching women swoon over him gave me hives.

He’ll likely charm them with his mysterious quiet instead of pushing them away, creating drama and a tangled mess that he’ll be at a loss to sort.

And I would have sat there, knowing I’m being stupid, knowing I need to call her and apologize, but unable to take that step.

Sighing, I close the box of cold pizza and sit back on the couch with a groan.

So, my in-person friends have well-rounded lives.

And it’s late enough that even my online friends aren’t around right now to kill orcs and cast spells and generally play the world’s nerdiest game.

Yup. I’ve hit a new low.

Of course, I could just pick up the phone and call Athena.

In fact, I almost do just that…

But it’s late.

She needs her rest.

I’ll call tomorrow?—

And I’ll ignore the fact that I’ve been saying that for a week now as I pick up my controller and dive back into the next quest.

I do it drinking whisky and nibbling on cold pizza crust.

“Yup,” I mutter. “I. Am. Pathetic.”

I jab at the buttons, recharge my mana, upgrade my spells, collect some gold and several orc skins, and I’m just returning to town to turn in my loot when there’s a knock at the door.