Promptly slam into a big, strong body.
IntoJackson’sbig, strong body.
My hands come up to steady her without really thinking, gripping the tops of her shoulders so she doesn’t bounce backward and hurt herself.
But the moment my palms make contact with her arms, I’m shocked by how slender she is, how delicate her bones feel beneath my hands.
I could hurt her.
I could touch her wrong, hold her too tightly.
I couldhurther.
Like I hurt the asshole on the other team tonight.
Like I?—
The memory slices up through me so quickly that I can’t block it, can’t shove it down like I would normally do. It wraps a hand around my insides, grips tightly, and I drop my hands, jerking back a step.
A sliver of hurt crosses her face.
I open my mouth to apologize but then my eyes catch on my knuckles, scraped and bruised and?—
I skitter back another pace.
“Jackson?” she asks quietly, her voice stroking along my insides, making me want all the things I can’t ever allow myself to have.
“Just go,” I say gruffly.
“I—” More hurt on her beautiful face before she stifles it, lifts her chin, and says tersely, “Right.”
But instead of seeing her turn for the exit of the arena, the one that will dump her out into the employee parking lot, she just spins on her heel and starts down the hallway that leads to her office.
It’s after eleven and I know she’s been here all day.
Just like I know she works too fucking much and too fucking hard and Luc has made it clear she needs to stop that shit.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I growl, starting after her.
She scowls at me, shakes her head, then keeps walking away from me.
And instead of letting her go—which I fuckingknowis the right thing to do—I go after her, snagging her arm, drawing her to a stop. “I know Luc’s talked to you about working too much,” I mutter.
“What I do with my life is none of your business,” she snaps, jerking free of my hold.
That’s loose.
Because I could hurt her.
Exhaling, I shove that down,waythe fuck down, and focus on controlling my temper.