I’m wearing a helmet. And knee pads. And elbow pads. And wrist guards.
Maybe I reallywillbe fine.
Especially considering how tightly Jackson is lacing up my skates.
He’ll be right there.
Except that I already see the kids from his charity hovering at the edges, wanting face time with him, needing the connection—to a kid who’s like them, who has a disease or made mistakes and who’s doing something great.
Like connecting people—kids with mentors, kids who feel different or left out or alone in the world with their peers.
And so is living with him, being in a relationship with him,lovinghim.
Which means, that I need to learn how to skate, or at least cling to the boards well enough so that he can be present and not worried about me and?—
He takes my hands and hauls me up to my feet. I waver, but stay upright, likely because he’s holding me…and because the skates are so tight.
“See?” he says, guiding me to the door that leads out onto the ice. “You’re doing great already.”
“You got this!” his mom calls.
I keep my smile in place, but I’m not nearly as confident as Jackson and his mom.
“Bend your knees,” his dad, Glen, says. “Use those knee pads to break your fall instead of your butt.”
Like falling is a given.
At least the man has read the room.
“Thanks,” I whisper.
He leans close. “One lap around the ice and I’ll spring you for hot chocolate.”
Because even though he has a son who plays professional hockey, he’s not a fan of being on the ice.
“Dad,” Jackson sighs.
“Double thanks,” I say, lifting a fist for him to bump.
“Kitty cat,” Jackson says on an equally exasperated breath.
I smile up at him. “Unless I can skip the lap and just go straight to hot cocoa?”
His eyes narrow, but only for a moment, because then a thread of mischief creeps into his eyes as he glances over my shoulder. “What?”
“Someone’s come to spring you from skating purgatory.” A beat. “At least for a few minutes.”
Frowning, I turn and see?—
My heart leaps.
“Smitty!” I cry, jumping into his arms, getting that taste of Smitty hug perfection I haven’t had in months, not since the Breakers and Grizzlies met just before the playoffs?—
With the Breakers being the victors.
Now he’s here and Aiden is too and Kailey’s behind him and?—