Oh. Holy. Jesus. He’s wearing dark-rimmed reading glasses, looking at his phone. And he’s shirtless, the blanket I gave him lying a little higher than waist level. His chest is even more sculpted with muscles than I imagined it would be.
I want to launch myself at him like a kid doing a belly flop into a pool. But I keep my cool.
“Hey. Just up to check on the boys. Is there anything else you need?”
I could bring him a drink. An extra pillow. Maybe climb onto his lap, straddle him and ride him like a wild horse I’m trying to tame?
He shakes his head. “I’m good.”
Ah, excellent. I’m the only one feeling like a horny teenager. I look down and quickly walk back to the stairs, bunching up the sides of my robe at my chest to hold it closed so he doesn’t see the lingerie I’m wearing.
When I get upstairs, Sam is tucked under his covers, his lamp that projects stars onto the ceiling lighting his face in a soft glow. I kiss him on the cheek and tiptoe out of the room, pulling the door closed behind me.
When I get to Tate’s room, he’s sprawled out on top of the covers, still dressed in the clothes he had on today. He must have been really tired. At least he took his shoes off.
I leave him like he is, kissing his forehead and sneaking out of the room, closing his door.
My heart hammers with anticipation as I walk back downstairs, Rowan’s gaze locked onto me.
“I like your robe,” he says with a smirk.
“Can’t be walking around naked,” I quip.
He sets his phone down. “You’re naked under there?”
I pretend to consider. “I might have a little something on.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. At least I know I’m having an effect on him.
“So you’re going to bed, then?”
I fake yawn. “Probably should. I might read for a few minutes.”
“Are you interested in a goodnight kiss?”
I’m interested in a lot more than that, but I’ll take what I can get. The answers I run through my head over the course of the next two seconds—sure, okay, yeah—all feel lame, so instead, I just nod.
He pushes his blanket away and stands up. I press my lips together so I don’t embarrass myself by gasping over his abs. They’re better than the oiled-up ones I see on fitness models because his are all natural. He’s wearing lightweight dark-gray sweatpants, the black waistband of his underwear barely peeking out from the top of the waistband of his pants.
Since he doesn’t own a weapon, he’s brought a metal baseball bat over in case Jake shows up. It’s propped against the arm of the couch, within his reach when he’s lying down. I feel safer knowing he’s here.
I approach him, still clutching my robe. He looks down at me, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face and gently putting his other hand over my fingers.
“You’ve got a death grip on that robe.”
I exhale a nervous laugh and release it. Heat radiates from his eyes as they lock with mine for just a second before he lowers his lips to mine. The kiss is slow and sweet, but the way he wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him is primal. I slide one hand around his lower back, the fingers of my other hand winding into his hair and tugging.
He groans and kisses me deeper, his hold on me so tight that my feet leave the ground when he stands all the way up. I force myself to pull my lips from his.
“Take me to the bedroom,” I say breathlessly.
“You sure? The kids might catch us.”
“No, they’re heavy sleepers. Just be quiet.”
He bends slightly and picks me up again. I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, grinding against him as he walks up the stairs.
His eyes darken with desire as he groans in response. I keep doing it, enjoying the payoff.