Cam: Thank you for the flowers. Meant to text sooner but Tate got the flu and it’s been crazy.
Rowan: How’s he feeling? Any better?
Cam: He hasn’t thrown up for three hours, so that’s progress. He got sick at school yesterday morning. Poor kid couldn’t keep anything down yesterday.
Rowan: Sorry he’s sick. How are you doing?
Cam: Better now that he’s keeping liquids down and sleeping. Last night was pretty rough.
Rowan: Hope you don’t get sick, too.
Cam: Oh I will. And Sam will get it at the exact same time. Happens every time. I’m falling asleep, so better go to bed.
Rowan: Speaking of going to bed, don’t sleep with the old guy. I know you don’t want me, but he’s not the one for you. Goodnight, hope Tate’s better tomorrow.
Cam: Goodnight and thanks.
The plane hits a patch of turbulence and Beck jumps, wiping drool from his chin as he sits up.
“The fuck?” he murmurs, looking at me.
He grimaces, moving his head from side to side to stretch his neck. “Awesome. Feels like I pulled a muscle sleeping in that position.”
I go back to my phone, rereading my text exchange with Cam. It makes me think about my mom taking care of me when I was sick. Before she was diagnosed with cancer. She’d fluff my pillows, make me homemade chicken and noodle soup and lemonade slushies, and lay next to me in bed, reading me books.
I didn’t know back then that I’d lose her and there would be a huge hole left behind. The nurturing and sweetness I assumed I’d have forever were ripped away. When she was bedridden and I’d go into her room with food or juice on a tray, she’d smile, but I always saw tears in her eyes. She wanted to be the one caring for me. She told me so many times that I made her dream come true, because all she ever dreamed of being was a mom.
I open an app on my phone and place an order from a restaurant to be delivered tomorrow. Chicken and noodle soup for Tate and a pan of baked ravioli for Sam and Cam. Then I open another app and set up a delivery of several boxes of Sweet Tarts and Lemonheads.
If Cam meant to get rid of me by putting me in the friend zone, it’s not going to work. I’ll take whatever she lets me be to her.
And I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the guy who tricked her into a date with him crawls back to the rock he ventured out from under.
“I see cuttingdown on sugar is going well,” Tess says wryly as she grabs a box of Lemonheads from my kitchen counter and opens it.
Tate is better today but not well enough to go back to school, so I took half a day off. Tess is here to take over for me so I can go in to work.
“Oh, I didn’t--”
She cuts me off. “I get it. When they’re on sale, it’s just wrong not to buy them.”
I bend down to tie my left snow boot. “Rowan sent them. He sent the chicken noodle soup and the pasta in the fridge, too.”
“Aw. What about Harrison? Did he send you a single packet of Ramen noodles?”
I laugh as I switch to tying my other boot. “No. And speaking of him, I’m canceling on coffee tonight.”
I pinch my brows together, sitting back up and looking at her. “Um, so you don’t have to babysit for eight hours?”
“Don’t cancel. You know I love hanging out with the boys. I’ll pick Sam up from the after-school thing and if Tate is feeling well enough, we’ll go to my house for the evening.”