Harrison has always been a nice guy who’s great to work with. But I don’t think of clients or coworkers that way.
I have to say something. The silence is awkward.
“I...was on a self-imposed dating ban until very recently. There was...well, I was stalked, to be honest.”
He pinches his brows together. “God, I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks. He’s in jail now. Or prison, I guess. But...yeah.”
“Well, I’m sure you don’t want to jump right into anything. But if you’d consider even having coffee with me, just to see if...” He laughs nervously. “If I’m crazy for thinking there could be something between us, I guess.”
He’s a client. I can’t shut him down. And maybe the fact that Harrison isn’t someone I’ve ever found myself attracted to is exactly the reason I should give him a chance. I’m batting .000 with men by trusting my gut. I should try giving my head a shot at being in charge.
“I’d like that,” I say.
He exhales heavily and grins. “Phew. You had me sweating there.”
I’m probably sweating myself. I’m still kind of stunned about what just happened. I offer Harrison a quick smile and then move on.
“Tonight, though, we do have to knock out this contract. I told Kathy I’d have a draft for her by noon tomorrow.”
He nods, looking much more relaxed. “We mustn’t disappoint Kathy. Let’s get to work.”
We start discussing the contract, but in the back of my mind, I’m freaking out a little bit. Harrison Stevens wants to go out with me. I’ve always thought of him as a serious, smart client. Emphasis on the word client. When I try to look at him through a dating lens, it’s...strange. I think he’s at least forty-five years old.If he has a daughter in college, his daughter is closer to my age than he is.
Half an hour into our discussion, I’ve only drank about half an inch of the wine in my glass and I’ve stress eaten half a loaf of bread. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, where I frantically dial Tess from inside a stall.
“Hey, you okay?” she says in answer.
“No,” I whisper-hiss, leaning my back against the stall door. “The client I’m meeting with wants to date me and he’s a lot older than me and why am I so awkward?”
“Hang on.” She moves the phone away from her mouth. “Hey Zee, keep an eye on the boys for me. I’ll be back.”
“He’s an engineer. I said I’d have coffee with him.”
I hear a door close on her end. “Okay, so you like him, then.”
“I have no idea. I’ve never thought of him in a romantic way.”
“Oh.” There’s a frown in her voice. “Then why did you say yes?”
“The company he works for is a huge client of the firm. I don’t want to offend him.”
She scoff-laughs. “You can’t date him just so you don’t offend him.”
“I mean...I don’t know if I like him. Maybe I do? Or would if I tried? He seems like a nice guy.”
A few seconds of silence pass.
“Tess? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“I don’t know. You sound more panicked than happy.”
“Because I am panicked. I didn’t see this coming.”