Page 46 of The Fall

His lips turn up in a wicked grin. “Not that kind of favors.”

Damn. I want to tell him I’m sorry for dismissing him after our first date. To thank him for opening up to me. To tell him we can go slowly if he still wants to date me. But he speaks before I get a chance to say any of it.

“I’d like to sleep on your couch when I’m home. Just so I know you and the boys are safe. I’ll have to bring my dog Duke with me, but I’ll leave him at my place with the dog sitter when I’m not at your house.”

This time, I don’t let the new Cam overthink it. I like Rowan. A lot. There’s more to him than I realized. And my boys like him, too. He can sleep on my old couch anytime he wants to.

“Thank you. I know I’d sleep better with you there.”

His brows lower a fraction like he’s confused.

I laugh. “Were you expecting an argument?”

“Might’ve been.” When he smiles, I see the light in his eyes and I melt inside.

“So what’s the other favor?” I lean closer to him, hoping it’s a kiss. Or an IOU for hot sex.

“Dom told me about Sam’s Cub Scout campout. I’d be honored to go with him.”

I lean back, feeling like someone knocked the air out of me. “How did Dom find out about that?”


“It’s a three-night thing near Rocky Mountain National Park. Hiking and tent camping and it’ll be cold. I looked into it because I wanted to see if they’d make an exception and let him go with a friend and his dad.”

“Sounds perfect, I’m in. It’s during the All-Star weekend, so I can do it.”

My eyes flood with tears and I look away, swallowing past the lump in my throat. No man has ever shown up for my kids this way other than Dom.

“Hey.” Rowan cups my cheek and tips my face up until our eyes meet. “This isn’t me trying to get you into bed, I swear it.”

“I know.”

“I’ll be there. I won’t say I’m going to do it and then disappoint him.”

I smile, tears falling when I blink. “I know. I’m not worried about that. I’m just mad at myself.”

He pinches his brows together. “Why?”

“Because I misjudged you.”

His expression turns serious. “I wish I could agree with you, but I don’t know if I can. There’s the man I want to be and the man I actually am. You saw the other night...I’m a fucking mess.”

“No, you’re not. You’re human. A human I happen to like very much.”

He strokes my cheekbone with his thumb. “Same. Will you give me some time to figure my shit out? I’ll never lie to you or tell you something just because I think it’s what you want to hear. I don’t know if I can be the man you need, but I want to be.”

I lean into his touch. “Take all the time you need.”

He moves his hand from my cheek and wraps his arms around me, pulling me against him. I close my eyes and sink against him, his familiar scent relaxing me and exciting me at the same time.

“I was worried you’d look at me differently,” he says softly. “After what I said.”

“I feel the same way about you I did before, but it’sdeepersomehow. I feel like I know you better. And I like that. It makes me want you that much more.”

“Damn, it’s nice to hear those words from you. I wasn’t sure I’d ever have another chance with you.”

I hear feet thudding down the hallway toward us and I jump out of his arms. A second later, Tate throws open the door to the room.