Page 30 of The Fall

Obviously the thought of going back into the room where I first kissed her is affecting her. I give her a wry smile.

“Shouldn’t be a problem, right? Since you only want to be friends with me?”

Her eyes widen another fraction, and I fight an urge to pump my fist in the air. She still wants me. Whoever this other guy is, I’m going to make sure he fucks off immediately.

I hear her sigh softly as she walks into the laundry room. I’m right behind her, closing the door after us.

“Who’s this other guy you’re seeing?” I demand.

Her lips part. “Who told you?”

That’sher response? I tense, aggravated as fuck that she’s most concerned about how I found out there’s someone else.

“Dom did, but why does it matter?”

“It’s not what it sounds like.” She pinches her brows together and looks away, her gaze landing on a pile of towels sitting on the built-in wood table I assume is for folding laundry. “I thought it was just a work meeting with a client, but then he asked me to have coffee with him sometime.”

“So some sleazy motherfucker forced you into a date with him?” I clench both hands into fists. “Did he put the moves on you?”

If she slept with him, I’m going to rip apart Dom’s washing machine, piece by piece. And then I’ll use one of those pieces to beat the shit out of his dryer.

She picks up a towel and starts folding it. “Not really, but...I felt like I couldn’t say no to the coffee thing because he’s a client.”

I have to unclench my teeth to ask, “Are you attracted to him?”

She looks up at me, emotion swirling in every gold, green and brown shade of her eyes. “I don’t...I mean, I’ve never thought of him that way. He’s older than me. But maybe I need to be smarter and safer about my choices in men.”

I move closer to her, forcing her to drop the towel she’s folding. “You don’t think I’m a smart or safe choice?”

Her laugh is nervous. “You’re the opposite of that.”

My body tenses as I fight the urge to take her face in my hands and kiss her until she agrees to never see this other guy again and to give me another chance with her.

“I’m a dumb, dangerous choice?” I ask skeptically.

Her eyes widen. “Not for every woman, but for me...yes.”

I don’t know whether I’m more offended, hurt or angry. Maybe all of the above.


She inhales sharply. “I’ve chosen men based on my attraction to them in the past, and look how that’s worked out for me.”

I balk at that. “So I’m out just because you’re attracted to me?”

“No, it’s...”

She looks over at the table of towels and reaches for one. I stop her hand by taking it in mine.

“You don’t need to fold the towels,” I say, stroking my thumb over the back of her hand.

“It is stress folding.” She smiles nervously.

“I stress you out?” I furrow my brow, concerned.

“No, not you. Just...” She points at me and then herself. “This.”

“I shouldn’t have assumed we’d have sex on our first date. I’m sorry for that. I was just so...”