“Was that the end of the date?” he asks.
“Yeah, she got upset and wanted me to leave.”
He pinches his brows together. “No offense, but it’s probably for the best. It’s hard to be in a relationship with our schedule.”
“We have fun together. Why does everything have to be so serious from the first date? Do people not want to have fun anymore?”
He arches his brows. “Single moms don’t have the luxury of fun being their primary consideration. You should look her up and see if she’s still single in ten years when you’ve grown the fuck up.”
That one lands. It’s basically a direct hit to the center of my chest. Not only does Cam have her kids to think of, but her past relationships have all been bad. Being stalked had to be terrifying for her.
How do I promise her I’m “the one,” though when I don’t even know that myself? I’d have to be with someone for a long time to even consider a deep commitment. Even then, the thought makes me sweat.
Maybe Griff is right. Cam needs a man who’s going to be there for her and her kids in every way. I’ve never been that guy for anyone, and I probably never will.
Later that day,I’m doing pregame stretches in Vancouver’s visiting team training room. I’m sitting with my legs straight out in front of me, reaching for my toes.
My phone is on the floor beside me, and I glance at the screen for the fourth time in the past two minutes. I don’t know why I keep thinking another text from Cam will pop up.
She put the ball in my court. This is where I’m supposed to text her back and say that of course we can still be friends. I’ve been telling myself to write out that text all day long, but I just can’t do it.
When we were out at dinner and roller skating, I felt more at ease than I can ever remember feeling. Maybe that was where I went wrong. I should have moved slower. Cam took a year off of dating because of what she’s been through, and I breezed in like our date was just like every other time she’s been on a date.
She said no one’s ever brought her flowers, though. I’m not sure any man has ever taken his time with her. Made her see that it’s about more than just sex. And then I did the exact same thing to her.
I stand up and move into a lunge position, holding it.
Do I want more than sex and fun from Cam? I guess that’s the million-dollar question. That’s what she meant when she asked what I wanted. It’s the question Dom and everyone else who knows me would say they already know the answer to.
I move out of the stretch and pick up my phone from the floor.
I’ve never wanted a wife and kids. I’m not made for it. The biggest commitment I’ve ever made in my life is to hockey. Theonlycommitment, really. My dog Duke is my only responsibility, and I have a dog sitter who helps with him a lot.
The smartest thing I could do is text Cam right now and sayyes, I want us to be friends, too.
I open the text from her, my thumbs ready to type out the message and end all of this. Then I picture the look in her eyes as I handed her those roses on her doorstep. I remember the stirring sensation in my chest when I kissed her at theHalloween party. The way she laughed as we skated circles around the wood skating rink.
I put my phone into the pocket of my shorts.
I can’t do it. I can’t tell Cam I only want to be friends with her because it’s a fucking lie.
I hardly ever eat out,and if I do, it’s usually at the local pizza place on Wednesday evenings when there’s a half-off special. I had no idea downtown Denver had an Italian place as upscale asSophia.When I walk in for my Thursday night dinner meeting with Harrison Stevens, I feel underdressed in dark jeans and a casual purple blouse.
“Of course, right this way,” the host says when I tell him I’m there to meet Harrison.
My well-worn leather messenger bag, which I scored a few years ago at a secondhand store for fifteen dollars, is stuffed with Sundrift files. I’m not used to meeting with clients outside of the office, and I wanted to be prepared for anything that may come up. Hopefully I grabbed everything I might need to complete the draft of the contract we’re working on.
Sophia was an interesting choice for a business meeting. The lighting is dim and there are candles burning on every table in little frosted glass holders. A string quartet is playing in one corner.
The host leads me to a private table behind a curtain. Harrison must have requested a private space so we can discuss the contract without anyone overhearing. Another thing I’m not used to worrying about since I usually have all my meetings at the office.
“Cam.” Harrison stands up to greet me. “Great to see you.”