The man stands up and adjusts his dress shirt. He must be someone’s wealthy son out on the town. He’s in a dress shirt and dress pants.
“You use a condom. No condom, no pussy. What’s your name?” I ask.
“You want to know who you’re going to moan for?”
I sniff. I can’t remember the last time someone made me come. I’ve used my hand for orgasms for a decade. Lord knows Beck never cared about getting me off after I signed the marriage certificate.
“Something like that, sweetheart,” I reply.
I spin and wave at him over my shoulder before I change my mind. Fuck, I need this money. “Come with me, Jason.”
He follows me up to the VIP room, and I close the door, not locking it because it’s not allowed. Peter says it’s for our own safety, but I’m sure it’s to also send us the message that he doesn’t want us givingtoomuch to our clients without him getting a cut. I love my cousin, but he’s a dickhead.
Jason looks around the room, twirling in a circle. “I’ve never been in the VIP room before.”
“Let’s just get this over with,” I say, stalking to the couch and already pulling my tank top down my torso.
Jason eyes my tits and licks his lips. “Such bossy words to a man that’s going to give you the best sex of your life. They teach you that in charm school?”
Aaron Dwyer was the best sex of my life, and my heart gives a funny skip at the thought of him as tears burn my eyelids. Why did I turn him down the other night? We both needed it. We both needed to feel that human connection to each other. He talked about reconnecting, but we need to do that physically. I ache for it with him.
I went downstairs to apologize the other morning, but I found a quick note from Aaron saying he had to get back to the kids and wanted me to sleep in. He said we’d talk later.
I have no idea what later means because I haven’t heard from him. He hasn’t come by my house or the club. Maybe he’s busy.
Maybe he doesn’t ever want to see me again after I slapped him. He probably thought about it while getting crappy sleep on my couch that night and decided I’m not worth the trouble.
Instead of communicating with Aaron and making plans for a bright future with him, I’m fucking this arrogant douche weasel so I can pay back a mafia dickweed that held a knife to my clit and threatened Aaron’s children.
Jason undoes his pants and drops them like he’s confident I’ll allow anything he wants to do. He’s not wrong. He’s the paying customer. He’s also fully erect like any other twenty-year-old guy that’s about to bang a hot stripper.
“Pull your panties off, bitch.”
I need the money to pay off Geoffrey. I need the money to pay off Geoffrey.I recite it in my head as I slowly pull my thong down my long legs and kick it away before leaning back on the couch. “Condoms are on the little table there,” I say, nodding to the small table by the couch.
His eyes flick to them, he frowns, and grabs one before grumbling, “I shouldn’t pay full price because of the rubber.”
“Fuck off. You want this pussy or not?” I say, propping myself up on an elbow and dragging my finger down my glistening slit. I’m not wet for him. Thoughts of Aaron make me wet. Some nights, when Beck was particularly foul, I thought of Aaron to get in the mood enough to take Beck.
Jason quickly rolls a condom on and positions himself on top of me. He’s smooth and doesn’t smell bad, but he pokes around for a while to find my hole. This guy said he had a girlfriend, but I feel sorry for her. I roll my eyes over his shoulder.
He eventually pushes in with a sigh and starts humping me like he’s a jackhammer and I’m concrete. He doesn’t rub my breasts, grunt into my neck, or make any sound besides his ragged breath as he hammers at my pussy.
A scuffle outside the door causes both of us to freeze. Peter? The feds? Another stripper thinking this VIP room is open?
When Aaron comes through the door so fast that the door hits the back wall, Jason startles, and I gasp. Aaron bares his teeth, and his face reddens. His hands ball into fists, and a guttural growl comes from his chest. I may not like the guy that owns the dick currently in my pussy, but I’m suddenly afraid for his life. It’s interesting that I’ve been a battered woman for a decade, and I’m not afraid for my own. Then again, I don’t know much in my shitty life, but I know Aaron Dwyer would rather drink drain cleaner than hurt a hair on my head.
“What are you doing here?” I shriek. I only realize I could get all of us in a world of shit after the words leave my mouth.
I’ve seen Aaron Dwyer angry, but this is next level. His shoulders are squared, and he’s so red that he looks like he’s been in the sun for hours without sunscreen. He grits his teeth until I’m worried they’ll crack. “Get off her.”
“No fucking way. I paid for this pussy.”
Fuck Jason. Fuck Aaron Dwyer. Fuck anyone that thinks they can own me. Fuck the entire world.
I grip Jason’s ass and pull him into me. “Finish, Jason,” I say. “You paid.” I look at Aaron and sneer. “After all, I only fuck when I’m paid.”